Thursday, 18 November 2021

'Remarkable'..? Not At All, Judge!

Judge Paul Lawton said: “It is remarkable that having fled violence in Sudan you caused to bring violence to the streets of England.
“You are 27-years-old and a man of previous good character. You have a partner and a young child, and are expecting another one.
“The violence used a potentially lethal weapon.”
It is, of course, Minshull Street, which seems to be staffed with more than its fair share of morons and bleeding hearts.
Mr Lawton sentenced Hasan Suliman to 21 months in prison, suspended for two years, for unlawful wounding. He also handed Suliman a community order and alcohol rehabilitation programme, and told him to pay a victim surcharge.

Suitable sentence for an asylum seeker who stabbed another man with a screwdriver over another woman? I don't really think so, Does anyone else? 

Apart from those trying to convince us that Emad Al-Swealmeen was a genuine Christian, that is.... 


Anonymous said...

In other news another thousand of these vermin arrived by dinghy today, and yesterday and tomorrow.
Aren't we spoilt?

JuliaM said...

*prays for more rough seas*