Monday 2 May 2022

It's Taken You A While, But Keep It Up...

...beyond the local elections, which is why we all know you're doing it now:

A government source said: ‘The Justice Secretary is determined that our prisons up their game in rehabilitating prisoners to drive down re-offending, cut crime and protect the public.
‘But wishy-washy, politically correct phrases like “room” or “client” dent public confidence in our ability both to reform and to punish those who have broken the law and caused harm to others. The Justice Secretary believes in calling a prisoner a prisoner.'

It begs the question just why you haven't done this before? 

I guess you must not be a gardener - if you were, you'd know you don't let weeds get fully established before a panicked attempt to uproot them when you've got company scheduled in for a garden party. 

Still, at least they're able to call something what it really is, eh, Kier


Stonyground said...

Do we have a problem with perverse incentives? The probation service surely have a vested interest in their clientele re offending and coming back. I wonder what would happen if we only paid them if they don't.

MTG1 said...

It is just possible that without the small remainder of the population realising it, a viral madness swept through but was confined to, the vast hordes of state employees.

Now we have prisons where wardens refuse to call inmates 'prisoners' and 'progressive' police authorities where plod must formally assign (one of thirty-seven varieties) of gender types to any cell visitor, before the latter could be lawfully mixed with other queers.

James Higham said...

Is that what gardening leave is all about?

JuliaM said...

"The probation service surely have a vested interest in their clientele re offending and coming back. "

Hmmm, quite!

"...a viral madness swept through but was confined to, the vast hordes of state employees."

It clearly doesn't take long to infect new recruits either...

"Is that what gardening leave is all about?"
