Sunday 28 August 2022

A Picture That Sums Up Modern Britain...

And also, modern journalism.

 H/T: Ian J via email


Anonymous said...

In my opinion, graffiti 'artists' should be punished with a public whipping, twice as many strokes if the vandalism affects a memorial.

Isn't it about time those masturbators in Parliament reinstated the death penalty for murder? We could also clear out space in prisons by retrospectively topping anyone in there for murder. (Liverpool incident only the latest).

Don't get me on the subject of those rape gangs ...

Anonymous said...

Those in parliament don't live in the blighted society their stupid mistakes have created. There is nothing like power and money to insulate you from the real world.

JuliaM said...

"In my opinion, graffiti 'artists' should be punished with a public whipping, twice as many strokes if the vandalism affects a memorial."
