Tuesday 23 August 2022

Your Wee Dram Is About To Get More Expensive...

The Scottish First Minister could stage a new crackdown on the whisky industry north of the border. The move could be introduced amid fears emissions from the "angel's share" of casks are harming both the environment and human health.

Good grief, it's one of the few things Scotland provides that people want to buy! 

Researchers have been asked to suggest possible "mitigation strategies" for "controlling" whisky-related emissions. However, this has led to a backlash from the industry.

Sadly, not the sort of 'backlash' that would result in the election of a new First Minister... 

H/T: The Jannie via email


Anonymous said...

If they ever get independence the Scots will be a third world country within years. We will have to rebuild Hadrians Wall to stop the influx of refugees coming south.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness Wales has started making whiskey, it's not that hard it seems and Scotland may find that it's shot itself in the foot here.

Anonymous said...


I'm sure you're aware of what occurred in The US, and yet you think exactly the same thing isn't happening here?

When one side completely controls all the monitoring, collection and counting of votes, you seriously believe they don't ... 'massage' those figures to get the result they want?

As to the whiskey, they really don't care as they know they have a guaranteed income stolen from England to fund whatever madness they choose to implement.

If Scotland had to pay its own way, every one of those freebies they so enjoy buying votes with would disappear, and it really would be the third-world cess-pit it always was.

Stonyground said...

Tell her that she can have a second Scottish independence referendum as long as the English are allowed to vote as well. I suppose that, in the meantime I will have to build up a good stock of Speyside single malts for when the green imbeciles put all the distilleries out of business.

Mudplugger said...

The so-called 'angel's share' reminded me of decades ago when I worked part-time at a petrol station.
I was paid tax-free in petrol, not money - and all my 'petrol wage' came out of the 'evaporation allowance' which all stations were entitled to claim to cover such apparent losses to atmosphere. One may wonder how much of the whisky claimed in the 'angel's share' is actually used in a similarly creative fashion.

johnd2008 said...

I am happy to report that New Zealand has its own whisky industry and a very good one it is too,producing a drink that matches anything out of the Highlands.

Plantman said...

Idiot Anonymous - the best part of England (Northumbria) is North of Hadrian's Wall.

I for one will not let that go

Stonyground said...

We just have to build a new one where the border is now. Maybe some former East Germans can give us a hand with the design.