Thursday 25 August 2022

'Experts', What Do They Know..?

Mr Harrison said a report from a dog expert identified two 'plausible' explanations; either Rocky had felt threatened and reacted, or that children had ice creams and the dog had tried to bite one and caught the victim's face.

*rolls eyes* 

He added: 'There was no sustained attack, it was a lunge.
'Ultimately, the report concludes, if properly managed the dog isn't a danger.'
Thankfully, the JPs decided differently, and sentenced the mutt to a one-way trip to a vet. The feckless owner won't see a minute of jail time, though. When do they ever?
He was also ordered to pay the young girl £1,500 in compensation, a £128 victim surcharge, £185 in legal costs as well as the £2,500 cost of keeping Rocky in the kennels

The chances of seeing a penny of that are slim in the extreme. 

I'm assuming that's a mangled attempt at a 'collapsed lung', but who knows?


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