Thursday, 6 November 2008

Could Prove Useful In Secondary Schools Too...

... let the little sods know what happens when you challenge the authority of the alpha male!


Anonymous said...

They could learn plenty from watching a pack of academics interact, too.

"I suspected that perhaps a pheromone excluded by the female signaled her period of receptivity. A biochemist colleague interested in pheromones assigned one of his assistants to look in to the matter."

"Nooo...I did the beagles, it's not fair, wolves have huge teeth, why do I have to do the swabs?"

"Because, squirt, if you want me to sign off your doctorate, you have to do the business with the rubber gloves. Now quit whinning - it's not like you are working on the end with the teeth."

In the next tasteless episode we explore the complex relationship between Cassie, Tornado and The Assistant. Turns out Cassie is more up for it than expected but Tornado has reservations...

Erm, are you sure this is suitable for the 7 year olds?

Anonymous said...
