Monday, 24 November 2008

What The Papers Bloggers Say…

Two posts, seemingly dissimilar from the titles, but actually saying the same thing:

Laban Tall:
What she's asking is "how do we raise good people when the sanctions for behaving badly are non-existent?". It's a question that can be asked in the context of the white underclass as well as unruly black youth.
Blue Eyes:
As a society we have lost all sense of self control. We've lost respect for ourselves and others. I think it's because we've had the freedom but not been forced to take responsibility for how we've used it. I think it's because people have learned that they can get away with a lot of crap, so see no harm in pushing the boundaries.
Both well worth reading...


Stan said...

The essential ingredient here is manners. British people were once renowned for their manners - but since the sixties this has been portrayed as "repressed" and "reserved" and considered a negative thing rather than a positive trait. Can it be restored? Of course - it's not the first time we've lost our manners - but it can only be done with a conscious effort and with the restoration of respect for authority and the rule of law.

Anonymous said...

" can only be done with a conscious effort and with the restoration of respect for authority and the rule of law."

And key to that is to ensure that authority and the rule of law is something worth respecting. That's going to be a real uphill struggle.

Particularly as so much law now comes not from our own politicians, but from Brussels...