Thursday, 4 June 2015

Well, Have It Your Way, Officer…

Oh, was that not what you meant..?

*innocent face*


MTG said...

Gosh...and I always thought these 'assault' stories were urban myths. Largely fabrications generating even larger compensations.

BTW, the Whale of Shoreham will be along to insult you much later, Julia.
Jaded is blubbering on the DM site and may remain beached 'their' for some time.

Anonymous said...

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz .

JuliaM said...

"Gosh...and I always thought these 'assault' stories were urban myths. "

Oh, no. They do indeed get assaulted. It's part of the job.

They need to remember, though, that it's NOT 'part of the job' for a civilian.

Anonymous said...

A constable is a civilian. Or should be, anyway.

Unknown said...

Quality tweeting!