Wednesday 2 December 2020

I Think I Might Need A 'Tweet Response Of The Month' Award...

..if only just for this! 


MTG 1 said...

'Dedication to Duty' is from the Stasi perspective, smashing into your home to see if you are breaking any laws.

MTG 1 said...

...and inventing evidence of crime, wherever necessary...

selsey.steve said...

Loved it!
Peel would laugh (or cry) as well.

Stonyground said...

I just found this on the website.

"I work at a day centre for adults with disabilities. One day, one of our drivers comes in laughing and told me the following story.

He was driving along our town’s main road when he was pulled over by a traffic policeman.

Policeman: “Are you aware that this is a bus lane?!”

Driver: “Are you aware that this is a bus?”

Policeman: “…”

Driver: “…”

Policeman: “On your way!”"

You do of course have to take the truth of NAR stories on trust so it is just an anecdote.

JuliaM said...

"...smashing into your home to see if you are breaking any laws."

When they get back door control of all the gadgets we have in our homes, smashing down the door will be 'old school'.

"Peel would laugh (or cry) as well."

If we resurrected him to see what has become of the police, the poor man would jump in the neares river with a pocket full of rocks.

"You do of course have to take the truth of NAR stories on trust so it is just an anecdote."

Oh, please let it be true! 🤣