Wednesday 9 December 2020

Wow, It's April 1st Already..?

Doesn't time fly in 2020?

Who 'assigned' him a male identity? Other than nature?

H/T: LeCreusetFiend via Twitter



Mentally ill persons are now hired to solve other people's problems.

Anonymous said...

Another taser happy psycho, as if plod didn’t have enough of them!

Anonymous said...

SO now we know - the police aren't just bastards, they are perverts as well.

Anonymous said...

S/he's an ugly looking faker to be sure!!!

MTG said...

Not a pretty sight. Is that you, Jaded? Cooo-eee!

Sobers said...

You can tell a lot about a person by looking at their eyes. And those eyes scream 'Crazy MF!' at me...............

Squires said...

Welcome to the Nightmare Kingdom.

Anonymous said...

Embarrassing. But I notice he's a trainer and not front line. My guess is that he/she will never be allowed out on the street ever again. He/she will then sue the police in a few years because someone objected to him using the wrong toilet.

Anonymous said...

Some thicko was responsible for giving a demented, cross-dressing twat, a job dealing with the public. But the decision to supply and equip it with a taser must have been taken by a raving loony.

Ben said...

Oh, shit...

Alan Scott said...

He/she/they/it looks more like a "female" turned "male". Or a seahorse out of water.

Andy5759 said...

Chromosome illness? Mental illness? I'd go with the latter.

Anonymous said...

Is that coiffure real acrylic?

APL said...

I for one, am happy that David Lee Roth is allowed to join the police.

Anonymous said...

...often seen taking the knee in public conveniences...

Northish said...

Skye should be the school liason officer. Then the little buggers would be petrified of the police.

JuliaM said...

"Mentally ill persons are now hired to solve other people's problems."

For 'diversity'!

"You can tell a lot about a person by looking at their eyes."

Yup! Someone in the farce publicity department actually looked at that image and said 'That's the one!'. Clearly, mental illness is contagious.

"Embarrassing. But I notice he's a trainer and not front line."

Let's revisit this in 6 months... 😉

"I for one, am happy that David Lee Roth is allowed to join the police."


"Skye should be the school liason officer. Then the little buggers would be petrified of the police."

That's inspired!