Saturday, 5 December 2020

I'd Better Buy All The Popcorn For This One!

People* are furious after the creator of a Instagram page promoting black-owned businesses turned out to be...

A scammer?  


Where is this? Oh, I should have known!
The Brighton and Hove social media page which "celebrates indie black business" was started in June this year and has been asking for money through PayPal and Patreon.
The page has been accused of being "misleading" due to its use of the black emoticons - which gave the impression, people claim, that it was being run by a black person.
Instagram users have left dozens of messages underneath an apology from the page, which was put up on Tuesday, along with a picture of its owner, Helen, drinking coffee in Hove.
Jamaican coffee, I hope? Just for the LOLs... 

*Reader, it means 'activists', not real people, who mostly couldn't care less...


Ed P said...

A white woman helping with racial harmony? We can't have that

Andy said...

I'm confused, who are the racists here?

Stonyground said...

The problem might be that it makes it look as though black people can't do anything for themselves without a white person to organise it for them.

JuliaM said...

"A white woman helping with racial harmony? We can't have that"

They do seem to be doing most of the heavy lifting, don't they?

"I'm confused, who are the racists here?"

Everyone. Except the 'people of colour', who never can be, remember...

"The problem might be that it makes it look as though black people can't do anything for themselves without a white person to organise it for them."

Funny how that impression is so very widespread, isn't it?