Sunday 13 December 2020

On The Second Day Of Covidmas, Boris Gave To Me...

...two-tier policing

And someone running the country I didn't get to vote for.


Northish said...

The Police do what the Government of the day want. They always have. It didn't just start this year, or during the Liberty and Livelihood march or the miners strike. I don't think its getting any worse. Whats changing is that it's just easier to see because of technology, and is often deliberately broadcast by the Police themselves via their own twitter accounts. It has gone from "nothing to see here, move on" to "look what we can do to you if you dont comply with our orders". As the Police/Government priorites result in the loss of the goodwill of the vast law abiding majority, we move from policing by consent to being 'policed by cunts sent'.

Anonymous said...

Don't knock two tier policing, around here we have no policing at all. Crime is just an insurance matter and the Police and Crime Commissioner just pockets mountains of money while telling us it's all getting better. It's just like the old Soviet Union now we are watching everything get worse and worse while the Commissioner tells us it's getting better and better.

JuliaM said...

"The Police do what the Government of the day want."

If only we could elect a conservative one then...

"...around here we have no policing at all. Crime is just an insurance matter ..."

At least in the Soviet Union, there was a chance of being sent to the salt mines!