Saturday 16 October 2021

Muggers And Junkies Were Bad Enough, Now I Might Have To Worry About Springheel Jack!

Young people may be nudged into carrying knives by the police, research has found, as a new count showed the Metropolitan police circulated more than 2,100 images of seized knives on Twitter in a year.

God, I hope that's just another useless bit of 'research' by some bunch of wacademics. Because.... 

Plenty pointed out this was incapable of being fired, but being the Internet, the mocking was swift, savage and merciless:

But this just reinforces my long held belief that for the modern police farce, Twitter is Kryptonite...


ivan said...

With this stupidity all the police are proving that guns and other weapons do not kill it is the person wielding them. Just look at the bow and arrow rampage in Norway as an example.

Anonymous said...

Or Mr Somali-stabber in Essex

I'm not sure that Springheel Jack was a Highwayman.

Anonymous said...

Having read of an ex Royal Marine, break a mugger's nose with a rolled newspaper, I suppose all paper copies of the media, less The Gruniad of course, will be banned.

Stonyground said...

It makes me feel old knowing that Stand And Deliver by Adam and the Ants was a number one single in 1981. Yes it really was forty years ago.

Anonymous said...

As we never see any police presence anymore and they will make any excuse to avoid ever attending a crime is it any wonder if people turn to self help and look for weapons to protect themselves.

JuliaM said...

"...all the police are proving that guns and other weapons do not kill it is the person wielding them."

Spot on!

"I'm not sure that Springheel Jack was a Highwayman."

No he wasn't, but he was the only amusing historical figure that came to mind initially!

"Having read of an ex Royal Marine, break a mugger's nose with a rolled newspaper..."


"It makes me feel old knowing that Stand And Deliver by Adam and the Ants was a number one single in 1981."

And now I, too, feel ancient!

" it any wonder if people turn to self help and look for weapons to protect themselves."

Whoever owned that should have looked harder!