Thursday 22 October 2009

Light Blue Touchpaper, Retire…

Peter Tatchell. Like him or loathe him,you can’t deny that he has big brass ones:
October is Black History Month in Britain – a wonderful celebration of the huge, important and valuable contribution that black people have made to humanity and to popular culture.
You can just see a ‘But…’ there about to form, can’t you?
It is also worth celebrating that many leading black icons have been lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT), most notably the US black liberation hero Malcolm X.
Aaaaaannnnd we’re off!
Few of these prominent black LGBT achievers are listed on the most comprehensive UK Black History Month website, which hosts biographies of notable black men and women.
Perhaps they are short of server space?

Yeah, that must be it…
Why these omissions? Black people are not one homogenous heterosexual mass. Where is the recognition of sexual diversity within the black communities and black history?
Peter, you really know the answer to that, don’t you?

You must do – you spent long enough banging on about ‘homophobia’ in Caribbean and Jamaican music for the last few months.
Perhaps it is unintentional but Black History Month sometimes feels like Straight Black History Month. Famous black LGBT people are not acknowledged and celebrated. Either their contribution to black history and culture is ignored or their sexuality is airbrushed out of their biographies.
Yeah. It’s not unintentional, is it? It’s the elephant in the room, and Tatchell has just taken a pot shot at it.

Who’s going to get trampled, I wonder?
Right now, there is not a single living black person who is a worldwide household name and who is also openly gay. That's why the issue of Malcolm X's sexuality is so important. Having an internationally renowned gay or bisexual black icon would do much to help challenge homophobia, especially in the black communities and particularly in Africa and the Caribbean where homosexuality and bisexuality are often dismissed as a "white man's disease".
I’m sure it would, Peter, but it’s not going to happen, is it?
It is now time for Black History Month to speak the truth. Malcolm X was bisexual. Get over it.
Hmmm, I think this will generate a lot of column inches elsewhere…


Angry Exile said...

I'm not homophobic but...

... I just hate Peter fucking Tatchell. And that really isn't homophobic because I'd still hate the bastard if he was straight, bi or asexual.

Right now, there is not a single living black person who is a worldwide household name and who is also openly gay.

Christ, he's not asking for much, is he? Is there even such a thing as a worldwide household name? I'd bet the most famous person anyone can think of, of any colour and sexual preference notwithstanding, would still be a complete unknown to some people. For the moment he should buy Steven K Amos' new DVD and try to enjoy the humour of a black guy who is open about being gay but doesn't define himself by it. And since Amos seems to be on Australian TV shows about once a month he's getting close to what that humourless cunt Tatchell wants anyway.

TDK said...

Is Malcolm X gay?

I ask this because surely the jury is out. Here is Peter Tatchell outing Malcolm X and here is Peter Akinti replying:

Any group of black men needs Tatchell as a champion like they need the whole world to bring back slavery

Peter must know his victimhood poker hand is weak in this deal.

TDK said...

Peter T, I meant.

JuliaM said...

"I just hate Peter fucking Tatchell. And that really isn't homophobic because I'd still hate the bastard if he was straight, bi or asexual."

Oh, his politics are dreadful, and last year he veered into 9/11 Trooferism, but give him his due, he does venture wherwe no-one else will dare...

"For the moment he should buy Steven K Amos' new DVD and try to enjoy the humour of a black guy who is open about being gay but doesn't define himself by it."

I'll check him out if he's on YouTube.

"Peter must know his victimhood poker hand is weak in this deal."

Yes, he definitely doesn't have a winning hand in this one...

blueknight said...

...not a single living black person who is a worldwide household name and who is also openly gay.

I nearly fell into the trap and said Michael Jackson. Then I remembered he is not living, - or black

blueknight said...

I just hate Peter fucking Tatchell. And that really isn't homophobic because I'd still hate the bastard if he was straight, bi or asexual.

So do I but I had to admire him when he tried to citizen's arrest Mugabe.