Friday 30 October 2009

Oooh, A Hate Crime!

An illegal worker begged to be rescued from (censored), in Wickford, after he was beaten up.

The French man, 27, believed to be unofficially working for (censored) and living on the site, ran into the nearby Jet service station, in Hovefields Avenue, pleading for help.

Garage staff called police and an ambulance after the man arrived with facial injuries.

This is the second time an illegal worker from (censored) has sought refuge at the Jet garage after an attack.

In 2005, an illegal immigrant ran there for help after sustaining an axe wound to the head.
Well, well, well...

Will this attract a storm of protest from the left and the usual suspects? Will they hold a march to this site and ensure that illegal workers' rights are respected and their persecutors dealt with to the fullest extent of the law?

And...(adopts Rolf Harris accent)...can you tell what it is yet?


Anonymous said...

You've got to hand it to the 'Travelling Community' for taking full advantage of the opportunities that exist all around them, especially that pool of very cheap labour - though what the French chap was doing there is a mystery, as an EU citizen he could be on a nice little earner without having to live with these caravan dwelling neanderthal thieves and tax dodgers. No doubt the local authority traveller liaison officer helped out with the recruiting process as we all know TGB's suffer outrageous disadvantages because of poor education a result of the horrendous 'racism' they experience every day. AAAAAAAAAA

Anonymous said...

Sorry, whilst ranting forgot your question. The answer is 'NO'! Any reports filed in the various FTFD* tray in the various partnership agencies trays.


SpiteK said...

Oh, pikeys, no sur-fucking-prises there then.

blueknight said...

Victimhood poker. Does an illegal immigrant trump a traveller?
Actually if he was French he could work here(?)so perhaps French was an euphemism for something else.

JuliaM said...

"You've got to hand it to the 'Travelling Community' for taking full advantage of the opportunities that exist all around them..."


"* Far Too F***ING DIFFICULT."

I think I'll start to use that one! Wonder how far I'll get?

"Actually if he was French he could work here(?)so perhaps French was an euphemism for something else."

Good point.

Von Spreuth. said...

From the link;

A police helicopter was seen over the site shortly afterwards.

Without a full load of Hellfires, and a will to USE them, it is not much fucking USE is it!