Thursday 29 October 2009

"She's had death threats because of it, and it's negatively affected her health..."


Not half as 'negatively affected' as your health would have been if I'd caught you attempting to poison a neighbour's cats, Katherine Hall from Airth, in Stirlingshire.

We don't have the stocks for people like you any more, more's the pity, but if all those outraged Twatterers are getting a bit tired of hounding legal sports hunters, well, there are other deserving targets out there...


Sue said...

Spiteful old cow. Obviously not an animal lover..

JuliaM said...

I'd say it'd be nice for Mrs Hall's grandchildren to google her name and see what granny's been up to one day, if it wasn't for the fact that the story doesn't mention that she's ever reproduced.

No doubt her face and personality being a very efficient contraceptive...

Ken S said...

Hmm… Now, I like animals, and am pretty tolerant of other peoples animals, but I seem to be in a bit of a minority in that I realise that not everyone likes animals. Not everyone wants next door’s little darlings crapping all over their garden, or digging up their roses, whatever. Not everyone likes being rushed up to by out of control dogs (“he’s only being friendly”), or having their Sunday best ruined by the muddy paws of an off-the-lead dog (“he just wants to say hello”).

I’m not suggesting any excuse for poisoning next door’s cats, or kicking a puppy in the head, but am I alone on wondering if perhaps the victim’s owners were a little bit responsible? No dog should be out of control in a public place – not even a sweetie-pie-wouldn’t-hurt-a-sparrow puppy. And cat owners seem to want things both ways – let the cats roam but legally (I understand) they have no responsibility for the actions of their animals (unlike dog owners), but they seem to claim that neighbours have a responsibility for said cat’s well being.

Anonymous said...

Animal lover or not, it is simply not acceptable to treat animals in this way. When will society learn! Animals are not there for humans to abuse or for their amusement. They are sentient beings who feel pain but are often subject to one form of abuse or another from mankind, it has to stop NOW!

Perhaps Mrs Hall would think differently if someone had put poison out for her grandchildren to scare them off!

Anonymous said...
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JuliaM said...

Sorry, I feel she deserves all the virtual opprobium coming her way via the publicity, but posting her address is a definite no-no...

Ken S said...

Out of interest, can anybody suggest, what should Mrs Hall's correct action have been, wishing as she did to exercise her right to quiet enjoyment of her property, to wit to be able to eat home grown strawberries that haven't been pissed on?

Surreptitious Evil said...


As Mrs Hall passes for local for me, and as my mother in law also loaths feline vermin, may I suggest lion poo? Odourless to humans, scares the shit out of cats.

Or the traditional solution, a large dog. Our vermin have been spending much less time extorting treats off our neighbours since their ageing and arthritic Staffy died and they acquired a greyhound.

I'm sure there are other solutions too. Like washing the strawberries?

JuliaM said...

"Hmm… Now, I like animals, and am pretty tolerant of other peoples animals, but I seem to be in a bit of a minority in that I realise that not everyone likes animals."

True, but I don't like other people, yet have restrained myself from poisoning any.

So far! ;)

"Out of interest, can anybody suggest, what should Mrs Hall's correct action have been, wishing as she did to exercise her right to quiet enjoyment of her property..."

As SE points out, there are plenty of other recipes short of poisoning.

"...may I suggest lion poo? Odourless to humans, scares the shit out of cats."

That one works? I always thought it was a pile of... well..

Nick39 said...

I'm not defending her, but it's worth acknowledging that cats are a terror to all wildlife and it's probably a serious breech of your neighbour's property rights to let the little bastards loose near their birds, rabbits and gardens.

JuliaM said...

"I'm not defending her, but it's worth acknowledging that cats are a terror to all wildlife..."

True, but then, it's their nature. And 'wildlife' will happily eat each other too. I've never quite understood people who are horrified when a sparrowhawk visits their bird table for a takeaway robin. It's a bird too, isn't it?

Unknown said...

Please dont believe all the crap thats been printed about this woman, she has lived in airth for 40yrs and never been in trouble for anything, she gives to charities and works hard the only reason she put out bait was because of the rats, as between the cats and the rats she had enough, and misguided maybe but understandable,but one thing thats not printed and the reason she couldnt be fined or worse, was because her bait went out at 7pm at night and arseholes cat took ill @ 2.30pm that afternoon so somebody knows they done it and she is getting blamed, because she had a tub in her garden and nosey boyd didnt look any further after he saw it! now on the subject of this dispicable cat owner he is not a photographer but a sacked social worker (for bullying) he lies repeatedly and has sent 11 death threats wanting to set houses on fire with children and pets inside (animal lover my arse)he has moved house 4 times in 9yrs and has other problems which will come out when HE has to go to court, which will be very soon, we all love animals and care for them we know where they are at all times, and I always put them in another room when people visit as not everyone wants my pets jumping on them, but HIM he thinks none of this is down to him, he had a barbed wire overhang on his fence so his cats couldnt get into their own garden one of them injured theirself on the barbed wire! still think hes an animal lover?

Anonymous said...

Quite agree this woman has lived a living hell for a year because of this vile man, he will be brought to court for his actions and wont be able to lie this time, as forensic evidence will be used.

JuliaM said...

"...the only reason she put out bait was because of the rats..."

Ah. Well, it's a good job she told the police that in her stateme..

Oh: Sergeant Michael Matheson, 40, said Hall was evasive when asked about the tuna.

'At first I asked her about the tuna and she said she didn't know why it was there. She then said she couldn't really answer why it was there,' he said.

'We questioned her husband Henry Hall, before she admitted "It was me. I did it".'

Hall told officers: 'We've spent a lot of money on the garden. I wanted to stop them leaving nasty smells and pooing. They did it continuously.'

That's not going to help any court case, is it now?