Tuesday 13 October 2009

Silence, Peasants!

Iain Dale is reporting that The Guardian has been gagged from reporting Parliamentary proceedings by none other than Peter Carter-Ruck & Partners. The Guardian is appealing (never thought I'd write that sentence...) and let's hope they win, for the sake of what's left of our tattered, shreadded democracy.

Guido has more on this. As does Old Holborn.

Heh! Can you say 'Streisand Effect'..?

Update: Iaian Dale is now reporting that Carter Ruck have thrown in the towel!


Dr Melvin T Gray said...

One of these days a report holding the promise of a Streissand effect with violent overtones will have someone hovering over the blue touch paper as we.........

JuliaM said...

It's a distinct possibility. We live in interesting times...