Tuesday 13 October 2009

Always Good For A Laugh...

Bidisha, in a CiF column railing against the lack of female entrants to a poetry event:
Do I think it's a misogynist conspiracy and that all the producers, curators and commissioners in all the arts fields in all countries decided together to make women a minority? No. It's worse than that: it's a coincidence, demonstrating just how ubiquitous and automatic misogyny is.
Well, of course...
It fills me with ice cold rage. Men and women both like to worship men, for some reason; women even, perversely, love to promote men who themselves hate women...
Wow! Wrong time of the month, love..?


Anonymous said...

Bloody hell, not only are the painters in, but they're using HVLP spray gear...

Anonymous said...

Has the blasted woman not heard of Always?

Longrider said...

I read this dire little whine and was going to comment but the stupid little cow is way beyond the parody singularity. I notice that she is getting a well deserved kicking below the line.

Fat Hen said...

Bah, sentence-mangling sour wenches with a femi-nazi entitlement attitude are 10 a penny nowadays (standing room only even) --
when was the last time a REAL MINORITY(tm), such as a hermaphrodite or a castrate (of which there are quite a lot) has won any literary prize in general?

Edwin Greenwood said...

Strange woman. She hosts the BBC World Service arts "magazine" programme, The Strand from time to time. Apart from the undue concentration in her shows on wimmin and effnicks, she comes across as quite sane.

Anonymous said...

OMG, let me guess, she's a professor or women's studies or something?

Anonymous said...


David Gillies said...

I think we can take it as read that anyone other than a true master (or mistress, yada, yada) of the craft who writes with a byline consisting of one word would be powerfully instructed in the paths of righteousness by a good uppercut to the chin.

Aren't people who are so positively consumed by the notion that everything is about them just such an incredibly tiresome burden on one's life? Jesus Christ woman, just suck it up. The fact that the entire universe has not been constructed to comport itself in every, individual particular with your cramped, rage-filled persona is not an indication of a vast conspiracy against you or those with whom you share a style of pudenda. It screws us all.

Get down off your high horse: stand by for uppercuts.

JuliaM said...

"I read this dire little whine and was going to comment but the stupid little cow is way beyond the parody singularity."

Indeed. She's not worse than the wymyn at AROOO though...

"Bah, sentence-mangling sour wenches with a femi-nazi entitlement attitude are 10 a penny nowadays (standing room only even) --
when was the last time a REAL MINORITY(tm), such as a hermaphrodite or a castrate (of which there are quite a lot) has won any literary prize in general?"

Oh, there's plenty of hatred of those too. Witness any CiF article about feminism that has a comment from someone from the transgender groups - the 'sisterhood' isn't so sisterly then...

"Aren't people who are so positively consumed by the notion that everything is about them just such an incredibly tiresome burden on one's life?"

Yes, but at least she unites all of CiF's varied commenters in utter loathing. So, there's that..