Friday 21 May 2010

I'm Guessing....

Locals in a small Canadian town have been stumped by the appearance of a bizarre creature, which was dragged from a lake.
Clues are in the elongated body, glossy fur and the hairless muzzle.

Girls wanting to get their names in newspaper:
Ms Howells added: 'Sophie was asking what it was and then we looked behind us and it was about five metres away, following us.

'I didn't know what to do so we cut through the brambles and just started running.'
I don't think a black leopard would have had any problem catching you, sweetie. Not in those shoes, certainly...


Chuckles said...

Naomi Campbell?

JuliaM said...

If it had demanded a cappuchino before throwing a mobile at them, possibly... ;)

PT Barnum said...

Most frabjous line I've read for an age:
'This creature was first discovered by Sam the Dog, a local dog.'
As opposed to Sam the Dog, a local what?

Chuckles said...

Julia, I thought the elongated body, black, glossy fur coat and strange behaviour were diagnostic enough

'As opposed to Sam the Dog, a local what?'

Resident? Difference between a dog and a fox? Five drinks.

JuliaM said...

"Most frabjous line I've read for an age:
'This creature was first discovered by Sam the Dog, a local dog.'
As opposed to Sam the Dog, a local what?"

Hah! Yes, missed that on first pass..