Wednesday 12 May 2010

Unsatisfied Customer...

Via Mark Wadsworth, another 'Care(less) in the Community' story:
After his arrest for knifing waitress Claire Wilson in the back, McMullan told officers: ‘I’ve got voices in my head telling me to do it. I left the knife stuck in her,’ jurors were told.
Another day, another innocent pays the price. Just once, just once, couldn't one of these nutters stab a judge's or social worker's relative..?
After the attack, McMullan told a psychiatrist he had been hearing voices for about a year and had been admitted to hospital before but had not been followed up by mental health services.

Miss Tayton said: ‘He was angry he had not been offered appropriate treatment but uninterested in what had happened to the victim of his attack.’
Another triumph for that Wonder of the Known World, the NHS, then...


Dippyness. said...

Nowt to do with just being a bullying, violent yob then? Might of known :(

Mark Wadsworth said...

Ta for link, but you missed the bit (in the print edition) that said he had handed himself in to the police three times, each time carrying a knife and warned them about the voices etc.

Maybe they just applied Catch 22. If you realise you are insane, you can't be insane.

JuliaM said...

"Nowt to do with just being a bullying, violent yob then?"

Strangely not...

"Maybe they just applied Catch 22. If you realise you are insane, you can't be insane."
