Tuesday 11 May 2010

A Glimpse Into The Home Life...

...of our own dear Yasmin. First, the dream sequence:
At 3am on election night – when results were still uncertain – I surrendered to sleep and turbulent dreams. In one scene, Roy Hattersley, in a kilt, was saluting a uniformed and heavily armed Margaret Thatcher.
On Friday my husband brought in the coffee as always
Unspoken, the words '...he knows his place!'

Then, we're on to the usual guff:
Appallingly, the election was largely a white, male fest, both in terms of who was out and about representing the parties and who was interrogating them.
The rest of it is the sort of rant you'd expect from Yazza, not worth bothering with, about how we haven't elected enough black/female/Asian/lesbian/transexual/one-legged MPs....

Similarly, this Guardian editorial agrees that politics is still far too middleclass and white:
The headline results are already solidly familiar. But it is the analysis of who voted where, and who they voted for, that will best illustrate the wider political health of the nation. Already, it is clear that once again the House of Commons is too white and too male and too middle class to reflect the people who voted for it.


Clarissa said...

And the whitest of the white is that everyone's favourite progressive party of the moment: the Lib Dems. Not a single MP from an ethnic minority and only seven women amongst the 57.

Mr Eugenides said...

Something like 8% of the population is from an ethnic minority - so there 'should' be about 50 such MPs in the Commons. There are currently 27 - and their numbers doubled last week. I'd say that's progress.

Yasmin should shut the fuck up.

Chuckles said...

And in other news, an examination of the makeup of the electorate reveals it IS largely middle-class and white.

staybryte said...

Chuckles has a point. Has anyone actually done a breakdown of who actually does their civic duty and votes?

Given it's only two-thirds of those eligible, I reckon there's a fairly heavy bias towards those awful white men that Yazza told Gavin Essler she'd like to see exterminated.

Given the mania for "fairer votes", stand by for the call for weighting of votes based on gender and ethnicity. I kid you not.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone actually done a breakdown of who actually does their civic duty and votes?

In Bow and Poplar, disproportionate numbers are non white, working class or both. Of the approx 50,000 residents, two hundred and fifty thousand registered and voted mainly for the three left wing parties. A turnout of 250%!

Not surprisingly the main political issue was over crowding.

Brian, follower of Deornoth said...

It's well known that the piggy-fiddling element of the community are very enthusiastic about voting.

Foxy Brown said...

Yazza favours all minority shortlisted candidates. Remember the Blair "Babes", and worse still all those useless women in the Cabinet like Ruth Kelly, Jacqui Smith, Caroline Flint and Hazel Blears. I don't want the ethnic equivalent.

Give me a nasty, bigoted Old Etonian -all synonymous with white male -any day of the week.

Paul said...

If Yasmin really doesn't like this country she can always sod off back to Uganda. Plenty of ethnics there.

JuliaM said...

"And the whitest of the white is that everyone's favourite progressive party of the moment: the Lib Dems."

Indeed! Lots of Guardian columnists were griping at that before the runoff.

"Something like 8% of the population is from an ethnic minority - so there 'should' be about 50 such MPs in the Commons. There are currently 27 - and their numbers doubled last week. I'd say that's progress."

Anyone would. Anyone with their head screwed on right, that is...

"Chuckles has a point. Has anyone actually done a breakdown of who actually does their civic duty and votes?"

Quite. Perhaps that can be wrapped up along with looking to see who voted by post? I bet the results would be...interesting!

"Remember the Blair "Babes"..."

Oh, yes. *shudder*

banned said...

The "black/female/Asian/lesbian/transexual/one-legged " candidates that Dave foisted on constituencies with winnable seats did notably badly.

What is happening with the reported fifty police investigations into elctoral fraud?

g1lgam3sh said...

I said here once that I tried really hard not to despise this person...sod it.

She needs introducing to the clue bat....with extra nails.