Tuesday 25 May 2010

You're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat Dock...

Six more teenagers have been charged with murdering a teenager at Victoria Tube station.

Aspiring footballer Sofyen Belamouadden was stabbed several times in the chest at the station on March 25.

Nineteen people have now been charged with the killing...
I expect this will provide more grist to the mill for those who are of the opinion that 'joint enterprise' is a terrible, terrible thing.


Brian, follower of Deornoth said...


How many could be accommodated at Tyburn Fair in one go?

Furor Teutonicus said...

Tyburn fair, I don't know. But Newgate would be good.

Who cares about "over crowding"?

Have the Prison officers as "border guards, THEN let the bastards inside kill each other.

Antisthenes said...

An interesting statistic, countries with a large prison population and heavy sentencing policy have the least crime. This is attributed to the fact that whilst a criminal is in prison a criminal is not able to commit further crimes.

A good case for locking criminals up and throwing away the key.

Mark Wadsworth said...

I'm not sure what to think. Has Yasmin Alibi-Brown covered it yet? Then we can just say the opposite of what she says.

In fact, why don't you dust down your Victimhood Poker deck and write the article for her?

Start off by talking about the 'victim' (the deceased) and then do a switcheroo and ask "... but what about the other 19 victims whose lives now have to be put on hold? Are their parents not entitled to grieve for their children's loss of innocence?" etc.

(Christ on bike, writing Yas articles is easy...)

JohnRS said...

How many more? CallMeDave's Broken Society got a lot of very bad press....but with stuff like this you begin to see his point. It's like a pack of feral dogs let losse to attack anyone they decide they dont like the look of.

@Mark W....sorry to disillusion you, but the reason it's so easy to right Yascrap is because it requires no intelligent thought. Dont get too used to it, it'll make holding down a proper job very difficult...although Yas seems to manage OK.

JuliaM said...

@Brian: Good idea! Rope and wood isn't in short supply...

@Anthistenes: Something always overlooked by the 'prison doesn't work!' mob...

@MarkEadsworth: As AI advances, I'm pretty sure we can get a robot to do her job before long...

@JohnR: Well, charged isn't convicted, but it's hard to see how lawyers are going to get the jury to disregard the plethora of CCTV evidence. Unless, of course, it's unavailable.

Brian, follower of Deornoth said...


You nasty cynic.

Everyone knows that full video evidence is available unless the perpetrators of the crime are police officers.

Anonymous said...

Antisthenes - an even better case for not allowing them (or their parents) into the country in the first place, or reversing the process now, its not too late.

banned said...

Wot Antisthenes said.