Tuesday 18 May 2010

That’s The Way To Do It!

It seems the ancient British tradition of Punch and Judy has spread to Saudi – with a twist:
When a Saudi religious policeman questioned a young couple walking together in an amusement park he got a painful surprise - when the woman suddenly attacked him.
The young man immediately collapsed for reasons that have not been made clear, the Jerusalem Post reported.

But before the policeman could do anything else, the woman - believed to be in her mid-twenties - laid into him.
He was punched repeatedly about the head and upper torso during the attack in the eastern city of Hofuf Mubarraz.

The assault was so severe and sustained, the officer was eventually taken to hospital suffering from severe bruising.
Ouch! :D
Neither religious nor local police have commented on the incident, which was widely played out in the Saudi media.
No, I just bet they haven’t!
But public opinion appears to have been firmly behind her.

'People are fed up with these religious police, and now they have to pay the price for the humiliation they put people through for years and years,' Saudi human rights activist Wajiha Al Huwaidar told the Media Line news agency.

'To see resistance from a woman means a lot... This is just the beginning and there will be more.'
You go, girls!


Joe Public said...

If she didn't have to wear a burqa, maybe the police would have been able to identify her!

Anonymous said...

Wear a nato helmet under the burkha, and nut the cunt.

Long skirts/robes are good for disguising the upcoming knee, as well.

First thing I taught Mrs. RWG to do, was how to do someone proper.

blueknight said...

Not every Saudi wants the Wahabi version of Islam imposed on them.
I also understand that the population of Saudi is now quite young, so with the influences of the internet and foreign travel, the days of blind obedience are numbered.

Oldrightie said...

Was it Mrs Bercow? Oh, sorry, she's not so young!

Mrs Rigby said...


Mrs Rigby said...

Oh, and why hasn't dear Harriet Harman spoken out about the subjugation of women in Islamic countries?

JuliaM said...

@Joe Public: LOL!

@RightWingGit: Love the helmet idea! Who'd ever know..?

@Blueknight: Indeed. That's why I can't support the proposed burkha ban - eventually, progress will resolve this without the need for anyone drawing lines in the sand.

@OldRightie: Heh!

@MrsRigby: There's always a deafening silence from most mitant feminists when it's a potentially tricky 'ethnic' issue...

Anonymous said...

I'd be interested in knowing if this was a Saudi woman, or an expat? the Mail story linked to says "Saudi woman beats up police" but that could be shorthand for "A woman in Saudi....."

Women in Saudi are not required to wear a Burqa (ie head and face do not need to be hidden); western women wear an Abeya (black garment covering neck to ankle) - any woman wearing a Burqa is doing so from religious belief or from family pressure.

Anonymous said...

The young man immediately collapsed

A fairly typical Saudi reaction when presented with a problem ....

Joe Public said...

Anon 08:36:-

" .....any wo(man) wearing a Burqa is doing so from religious belief or from family pressure."

Or, to preserve anonymity for terrorist intentions.

blueknight said...

The story begins to make sense if the 'woman'in the burkha was actually a (gay)man

JuliaM said...

"I'd be interested in knowing if this was a Saudi woman, or an expat?"

Hmm, good point!

"A fairly typical Saudi reaction when presented with a problem .."

Heh! ;)

"The story begins to make sense if the 'woman'in the burkha was actually a (gay)man"

Ooh, or a rugby player going to a party in drag! As in that recent (now legendary) video... ;)