Monday 17 May 2010

Service Announcement

Posts will be light (and short!) for the next few days, until my router problems are resolved, and I'm no longer restricted to just iPhone Internet access.

I apologise in advance for any odd formatting or hobbled links, and to anyone whose blog I normally comment at ( Obsidian, Patently, Mummylongleags, to name a few), but can't for the duration as Safari seems to be having problems with the 'Rolodex-stule' pick list for comment login, which is coming up blank at the moment!

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.


Mac the Knife said...

Mummy Longlegs appears to have disappeared, any info?

JuliaM said...

Oh! She was there yesterday!

JuliaM said...

She's still there - I can't comment at her blog because of the Safari picklist issue, but I can see it just fine.

She went through a few weeks of not updating (her PC blew a fuse) but she's back now.