Friday 21 May 2010

So, Now It's Time..?

Mrs Grigg is now vowing to start a safety campaign in the previously quiet family road which she says has become a 'rat run' in recent times - saying that her sister's son has been hit twice by racing cars and had his leg broken.
In which case...
As they waited to cross the road, Lewis ran a few steps ahead of his mother.

Now, no doubt if the estimations of the speed are accurate - some say as much as 60mph - the driver will hopefully be in big trouble. Or as big trouble as anyone gets in these days. As that's as it should be.

But if she was well aware of the dangers of the road, why not act accordingly?


JohnRS said...

"why not act accordingly?"

Because in NuLieBore's world there is no such thing as an accident - someone (not me) is always to blame. It's never, ever my fault.

Also I should always be able to sue someone, anyone, whether or not it's justified. I shouldnt have to pay for that either - no win, no fee every time.

blueknight said...

sorry for the little lad, but I still my little one's hand when we cross the road. - And she is 11 yrs old

David Gillies said...

Have reins for toddlers fallen out of fashion? My sister and I were roped like steers until we were old enough to know the Green Cross Code.

Mrs Rigby said...

Hmm, yes. Read this story the other day, it's a horrendous thing to happen to a child, but that's why they make harnesses and tell parents to keep hold of their children.

Thing is, if
" It must have been at least 40 miles an hour" or,
"Witnesses say the vehicle may have been travelling at 60mph"
How come Mum was able to do this?
" I was just shouting "stop, he's under the car" and banging on the window.'

I don't think I'd be able to bang on the window of a speeding car, but maybe that's what adrenaline does for you.

JuliaM said...

"Because in NuLieBore's world there is no such thing as an accident - someone (not me) is always to blame."

That seems to be the underlying subtext.

"...I still my little one's hand when we cross the road. - And she is 11 yrs old"

All the more puzzling that this mother - knowing the road conditions - seemed so blase...

"Have reins for toddlers fallen out of fashion?"

Good lord, I think they must have. Now that you mention it, I'm trying to think when I last saw a toddler on reins.

And I can't.

"I don't think I'd be able to bang on the window of a speeding car..."

I took that to mean the car stopped at one point, but then sped off again. But these sort of eyewitness accounts are often more confusing than illuminating.

I remember seeing an experiment on witnesses and what they remember. Should be shown to all jury members before they take their seats...