Sunday, 16 October 2011

The New Heights Of 'Offence Idiocy'...

...clearly belongs to this loon:
‘He described them as crapping machines which I thought was offensive.’
W....T.... Actual...F?


Pavlov's Cat said...

I prefer the term 'Shit machines' where geese are concerned, which I'm sure he would find doubly offensive .

where are these dicks coming from , first we had the guy who found dead fish in a fishing port 'offensive' now this

SBC said...

Reading the comments section tells you all you need to know about the sort of armchair-xenophobe nimbyite "B-b-b-ut we're just a small Island" Little Britishers who look at the DM.

I say 'look at' cos to say 'read' would imply that it was readable. It isn't...unless you're one of those misguided souls that thinks 'Harry Potter isn't just for kids'

Anonymous said...

Actually...I find golfer`s choice of clothing more offensive...but thats just me...

I AM confused...Why was it described as a `feral` goose?. Surely, by definition...they ALL are....

Pavlov's Cat said...

I think they are described as feral as they are not a natural British species , but were introduced to liven up the ponds & lakes of the Gentry.

Some flew the coop as it were and set up populations in the wild, hence went 'feral'

Lynne said...

That shotgun blast must have created one heck of a fuck-off divot...

RAB said...

Yes Lynne, a tricky problem for the Rules Committee...

Do you get a free drop for landing in Goose Gore?

I grew up just up the hill from Roath park in Cardiff. When I was a kid there were about half a dozen swans and a few ducks. Well the word has obviously got around in the Avian world, that it's a pretty cool and well fed place to hang out, cos it now resembles Slimbridge, with every species under the sun mugging the visitors for their stale bread.

Well if you walk round the lake now, you have to scrape so much crap off your shoes when you get home it's more like a stoll through a cowshed, and the canada Geese are the biggest crappers of the lot.

Captain Haddock said...

"I think they are described as feral as they are not a natural British species , but were introduced ..... "

And how many millions could that description be applied to ?

Roger Thornhill said...

Being offended is fine and dandy. It is when said offended think they have recourse in law that the problem starts.

microdave said...

Mr Deadman kills a bird.

The club manager is called Peter Badger

The witness who reported Mr Deadman to the police, is called John Constable

Bwaa Haa Haaaaa!!!!

JuliaM said...

"where are these dicks coming from , first we had the guy who found dead fish in a fishing port 'offensive' now this"

I think we're breeding them.

"I AM confused...Why was it described as a `feral` goose?. Surely, by definition...they ALL are...."

Technically, yes. I think he meant to imply that this one was vicious and territorial.

"When I was a kid there were about half a dozen swans and a few ducks. Well the word has obviously got around in the Avian world, that it's a pretty cool and well fed place to hang out, cos it now resembles Slimbridge, with every species under the sun mugging the visitors for their stale bread."

A bit of a metaphor for our immigration and asylum policy, then?

"Bwaa Haa Haaaaa!!!!"
