Tuesday 31 December 2013

Blog Title Of The Month

A Christmas tie!


Misanthrope Girl:


Clarissa said...

Merci, Madame.

Rickie said...

I agree with all the rants over that M&S story, but what about the poor non muslim or moderate muslim foreigners who work for M&s who get labelled muslims and have to endure weeks of outraged Daily mail readers glaring at them, out in the sticks most foreigners are known as "darkies" and fall into the category of Muslims.

Leg-iron's- Thomas the tank engine post isn't as daft as it sounds cos Benny Hill has a lot to answer for arse pinching older fellas such as Dave lee travis, and the rest of that era with loose hands.

JuliaM said...

"...but what about the poor non muslim or moderate muslim foreigners who work for M&s who get labelled muslims..."

There will always be stupid people.

Of course, the media relying on the lazy title of 'Asian' for the entire gamut doesn't help...