Tuesday 24 December 2013

Oh, Surely Not?

Police have launched an investigation into mass cycling events in the New Forest, it has been revealed.
They are looking into allegations that the controversial Wiggle rides, which have attracted as many as 2,500 entrants, are breaking the law by causing a public nuisance.
Oh, no. That doesn’t sound like cyclists to you, does it?
Members complained that cyclists were racing on the public highway, defecating on village greens and shouting abuse at anyone who got in their way.
No, no, unthinkable, must be some mistake…
The head of New Forest police, Chief Inspector Tony Rowlinson, said the cycling complaint was being investigated by a senior officer. He added: “The prosecuting authority is the Crown Prosecution Service and we will look to them for a steer.”
Really? I wouldn’t, if I were you. Their track record ain’t so hot…
NPA member David Harrison hit out at what he described as the “anti-cycling” stance adopted by some of his colleagues. He said: “We should be actively promoting and supporting responsible cycling, a much enjoyed, largely peaceful activity that’s a positive for the Forest, not a negative.”
Well, since you needed to add in the qualifier ‘responsible’, I think you can guess why they feel that way.


Rickie said...

I have no problem with cyclists although lycra wearing middle aged men cyclists should be treated with caution in the same way hat wearing car driving pensioners are.

It just aint right, so i don't trust them to act like other road users do.

They don't teach you that in the highway code, experience does in my case.

JuliaM said...

Experience teaches you to drive - the lessons just teach you how to pass a test...