Friday, 28 November 2014

This Isn't Construction, Judge..

...did you want to play with cranes and bulldozers when you were a kid?
Judge Sean Morris said: “This is one of the saddest cases I’ve seen in a long time.
“People may think you should be locked up straight away but I take the view, given the exceptional circumstances of this case, that would not be constructive.”
What about punishment? Or don't we do that any more?
James Adkin, defending, said: “The defendant does not accept she would have or did injure her child. The medical evidence suggests accidental injury is a possibility. “She did love that baby and the consequences of that night are forever with her.”
Or until she has her next hit, anyway...
The court heard there was “multi-agency involvement” when Michaela was born on March 9 last year.
Didn't do much good, did it?


andy5759 said...

From merely reading the linked article I find myself thinking that this is a case of euthanasia being carefully brushed aside. Stupid, stupid woman, to continue drug use while pregnant. Or vice versa, to become pregnant while addicted. It is a pity that the child was not able to euthenise the mother.

Furor Teutonicus said...

DD ...did you want to play with cranes and bulldozers when you were a kid? DD

I don't get the link between that and the story....????

JuliaM said...

"It is a pity that the child was not able to euthenise the mother."


"I don't get the link between that and the story....????"

The weasel word 'construction'... ;)