Tuesday 2 February 2016

I’ve Got A Plan For You…

…but I’m not sure you’d like it!
Brighton and Hove has one of the worst skill gaps in the UK, business leaders have been warned.
In the city 25 per cent of employers reported jobseekers were not meeting requirements – making the city the second worst place in the country, behind St Helens.
And it’s not just educational attainment, either:
One of the biggest issues cited by employers was a poor attitude, personality or lack of motivation.
Heh! In other words, ‘typical modern teenagers’..?
Other issues cited included a lack of working world or life experience or maturity, and a lack of required skills or competencies
Some of the worst affected sectors were in elementary or menial jobs, and sales and customers services, meaning highly educated graduates are being forced to take lower skilled jobs.
I don’t suppose that could possibly be a consequence of teaching the little blighters that the world owes them a living, and menial jobs are beneath them?
The findings were presented to more than 100 representatives from the public, private and voluntary sectors to debate a new plan to tackle inequality and skills gaps in the city.
Good luck with that, then!


Ed P said...

As Brighton & Hove is surely the centre of excellence for eco warriors, SJWs, feminists and every other flavour of left-wing prat, how is it possible their offspring are ill-educated and unemployable?
But can they add 2 + 2 and reach a meaningful conclusion about where they went wrong?

Greencoat said...

Brighton's problem is that on the one hand it's full of spoilt Leftie 'world-changers' who think earning a living is beneath them, and on the other hand it's not (yet) flooded with Third World desert-dwellers who'll work 12 hours a day for 50p and a bowl of mash.

JuliaM said...

"...how is it possible their offspring are ill-educated and unemployable?"

Think you answered your own question there.. ;)

"...and on the other hand it's not (yet) flooded with Third World desert-dwellers who'll work 12 hours a day for 50p and a bowl of mash."

It can't be long yet, though.