Monday 29 February 2016

Post Of The Month

Mark Wadsworth greets the news of the Cameron Declaration in inimitable style...


Lynne at Counting Cats said...

Cameron does Obama - Hopey Changey

Reality does Cameron - Dope No(t) Hope.

He.s about as convincing as those stupid homicidal teddy bears In return of the Jedi.

Andy said...

I used to like science fiction until I bought a Brand (spanking) new toy. Now it's science friction all the way, and all day too. The real world is becoming far too serious and complicated to allow simple people to have a say. As a simple person, I don't want a vote just like the Polish Potato digger in Lincolnshire, I want a Kalashnikov just like the spud digger's dad. Sorry about the crudities, no dips though.

JuliaM said...

"Cameron does Obama - Hopey Changey"

Two charlatans...

"As a simple person, I don't want a vote just like the Polish Potato digger in Lincolnshire, I want a Kalashnikov just like the spud digger's dad."

And an endless supply of ammo....