Friday 19 January 2018

I Think The DWP Will Want To Have A Word Too....

Kirby’s barrister Felicity Hemlin told York Crown Court he had had to give up his apprenticeship because of medical complications caused by cystic fibrosis.
Oh, poor chap, he must find it so terribly hard to get abou...

David Wain, prosecuting, said Kirby and his friends had surrounded two victims in the early hours of May 1. The victims had retreated down the street. Judge Andrew Stubbs QC said Kirby and about ten of his friends had gone looking for one of the two and chased him down an alleyway off Castlegate.
He said: “You and that pack of friends of yours then set about the two complainants in this case who weren’t looking for trouble." Kirby would have continued the assault but for some of his “more sensible” friends restraining him.
“It took three of them to stop you assaulting that person,” said the judge. “It was disgusting and disgraceful behaviour, the type of behaviour that will always result in a custodial sentence.”
Well, indeed! How long did he get?
He gave Kirby an eight-month prison sentence but suspended it for 12 months with a requirement he does a nightly curfew from 8pm to 7pm for the next six months.
*baffled face*

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