Thursday 18 January 2018

The Continuing Saga Of The Untouchables...

A Surrey Police spokesman said: "We had two separate incidents yesterday morning (November 27) of a small dog biting members of the public as they walked along Goldsworth Road.
Why don't you turn up and seize it then?
"Officers will be attending the location today (November 28) to speak to those on the site about the need to control their dogs."
 Ha ha ha! Yes, I'm sure they'll stick around for that!
The group have now left the site after the owner of the land posted a notice on Tuesday (November 28) stating it had applied to Guildford County Court for a possession order.
Photographs show rubbish left behind, including plastic bags, food waste and a single shoe.
Well, you know who they are, you know where they went - why is no-one prepared to do anything about them?


Anonymous said...

Caravan utilising nomadic travellers - protected species, guv.

Flaxen Saxon said...

Our beloved travelling folk. We should revel in their simple rustic charm and herd the lot into a suitably installed gas chamber for 're-education'. A tad harsh??

Pcar said...

@Flaxen Saxon

Maybe a touch harsh. Forcibly move them all to Gruinard where they can roam & tarmac as much as they want

Ted Treen said...


But first of all, Gruinard must be restored to the condition it was in the 1950's...

JuliaM said...

"We should revel in their simple rustic charm and herd the lot into a suitably installed gas chamber for 're-education'. A tad harsh??"

I wouldn't want to waste gas like that. As Pcar points out, we have a lot of islands. Even Canvey, if you removed the road bridge!..

"But first of all, Gruinard must be restored to the condition it was in the 1950's..."

Another waste of money! A couple of months of occupation, it'd be far worse! The anthrax would be preferable...