Thursday 11 January 2018

Put Them Down, Then....

...on hearing the circumstances of the case, District Judge Kristina Harrison told the trio: “I don’t understand anybody who goes on a public beach with that type of dog not under control. What a recipe for disaster. It’s not the dogs’ fault, it’s the owners’ fault.”
So punish the owners. Harshly.
Saying she was bound by sentencing guidelines, Judge Harrison said that based on their incomes, Coverdale would be fined £200, Blythe £178 and Lukins £230. Each must also pay £200 compensation to Mr Cuthbert, £175 to Mr Cuthbert’s partner, Lorraine Mekin, and £75 to Margaret Wade, plus £40 costs.
Meaning they were all dolescum, yet able to keep and feed three huge trophy dogs. Still, I'm sure the compensation will help the bereaved owner. If she ever sees a bloody penny of it...
They must also keep their dogs muzzled and on a fixed length lead when in public.
They should have been shot right there and then on the beach.
Mr Cuthbert said he called the police at the time and the people with the other dogs were spoken to at the scene.
Useless bastards.


jack ketch said...

"Dolescum"- Jools

"representing McDonald’s employees Blythe and Lukins,"

So "working poor" might be a better description?

Ted Treen said...

They should have been shot right there and then on the beach.

If you're talking about the owners, I'm with you.

JuliaM said...

"So "working poor" might be a better description?"

MaccyD's can be a good career (at management level) but it's not meant to be one for anyone other than students.

"If you're talking about the owners, I'm with you."

Them too!