Friday 19 January 2018

Someone Can't Count...

John Barker, defending, said ... 'The defendant had an appalling childhood, but has since done the best she can to help herself.
'Today she is asking for a second chance.'
 Well, it's no surprise maths isn't a strong point, since clearly, neither is biology!
Previous breaches were for failing to register a change of address and twice being in possession of a mobile phone with Internet access.
The judge can count, luckily:
Judge James O'Mahony accepted that Laws had an 'awful childhood' during which she had been 'exposed to extreme sexual behaviour by others'.
He said: 'This is your fourth breach. If it is understood that people can continuously breach court orders without consequence, they will lose their effect.'
Whew! So, what's the punishm....

Laws admitted the breach and the suspended sentence. She was ordered to do 20 days rehab and 100 hours unpaid work.
Well, that'll teach him. And clearly, 'consequence' means something rather different to O'Mahoney than it does to the rest of us....

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