Thursday 2 March 2023

'Can you imagine what would have happened if we had wanted to do that?'

Oh, indeed, I can well imagine. It would have been the end of you as a government, and Whitty wouldn't have had to fear just a bit of verbal abuse in the street...
Lord Bethell told Channel 4 News: 'What we shouldn't forget is how little we understood about this disease.
'There was a moment we were very unclear about whether domestic pets could transmit the disease.'
So, that's dogs and rabbits and hamsters and gerbils as well. And yes, there's precedent, but that was a very different time, and a very different, smaller, more obedient population. And it wasn't mandated, it was guidance. 

How could vets have coped, even if they had agreed to co-operate with such an edict, given most stopped seeing animals unless it was a dire emergency? 

It's not just the disease you understand little about, is it? The revelations coming out right now show how utterly unfit for government this bunch really is. And does anyone believe the other bunch is any better?


Anonymous said...

Some covidiots would have gone along with it. That's the worrying thing. Sickos would've taken to the streets to perform acts of unimaginable cruelty to our furry friends in the name of covid. Thank goodness they didn't go with that suggestion.

No cats and the rat and mouse population would have increased exponentially leading to a real pandemic just like the Middle Ages and the Black Death. What a scenario!

Bucko said...

This lot have been utterly unfit for Government since Covid and largely before, too. And no I don't think the opposition would be any better
I almost commented that I would liked to have seen them go ahead with this policy, just to see what happened, but then I thought about it a bit and decided I wouldn't have liked what would have happened
Those who refused to wear masks or refused to comply in other ways, would have also refused to kill their pets. The majority of the country would have gone along with it
Those people who put pictures on twitter of their kids wearing cloth masks and face shields, would have happily pried the cat from their crying childrens arms and bludgeoned it in the street, if that's what the Government told them to do
No, after covid, I don't have the faith in my fellow man to believe this policy would have been resisted to any extent. It would have been carnage

The Jannie said...

"And does anyone believe the other bunch is any better?"
Same shit, different smell . . .

Sobers said...

"The revelations coming out right now show how utterly unfit for government this bunch really is. And does anyone believe the other bunch is any better?"

Its not the monkeys dancing in the House of Commons we should be worried about, all this stuff is being put into their mouths by the apparatus of the State - the so called civil 'servants'. Covid has showed us they are not the servants of the people, they are our masters, and its high time we took back control from them.

Anonymous said...

Whichever figurehead puppets are ‘in charge’ is utterly irrelevant since those who ‘really’ run the show remain the same.

The reason that political change does not occur when we elect a different bunch of narcissistic chancers is … whatever politicians decide, the unelected, faceless mandarins only implement what ‘they’ want.

Notice that the political idiots always rely on picked experts, and those experts are specifically chosen to steer the ‘advice’ … by the mandarins. And … those mandarins are ‘universally’ anti-British, anti-white, globalist leftists (and an ever growing proportion are actually muslim, who ... hate/despise pets almost as much as they do us).

You really think it was a coincidence that the most authoritarian/totalitarian behaviour by a British government in decades was implemented by a(n allegedly) “Conservative” one? It was to deliberately defame and discredit (for generations) the (small c) conservatives – and done by leftist/globalist infiltrators claiming to be Conservatives, and … the mandarins.

As such I guarantee that the experts and bureaucrats wanted and pushed for exactly this ‘puppy and pussy massacre’ to, for all time, turn the British away from conservatism. But … not even the most mercenary, brain-dead politician would agree to be the scapegoat for this,’knowing’ it would turn every wishy-washy Britain, even/especially the blue-rinse granny brigade, into “Team Heads-on-Pikes”. There’d have been a massacre all right, just not of pets.

But … not to worry, the mandarins have a back-up plan. You wont be ‘required’ to kill your pet for covid, you’ll soon be forced to … eat it to survive (as their ‘let’s destroy the food supply’ plans come to fruition.

Government recommended recipes for how best to cook Tiddles available from your local takeaway – what, you thought they only ‘admired’ Chinas totalitarian aspects?.

Andy said...

"And does anyone believe the other bunch is any better?"

I recall the 'opposition' calling for more and harsher lockdowns, restrictions and closures. Govern me harder daddy!

Libertarian said...

I've heard that politicians and civil servants are the most virulent carriers of disease.

microdave said...

"As their ‘let’s destroy the food supply’ plans come to fruition"

Sadly, the US mandarins are more advanced - just look at the staggering number of food processing plants destroyed by fire over the last couple of years...

JuliaM said...

"Some covidiots would have gone along with it. "

Oh, I do not doubt it. Such people shouldn't have goldfish...

"Those people who put pictures on twitter of their kids wearing cloth masks and face shields, would have happily pried the cat from their crying childrens arms and bludgeoned it in the street, if that's what the Government told them to do"

It's a frightening thought, but I suspect that yes, indeed, there would have been a few prepared to obey.

"Whichever figurehead puppets are ‘in charge’ is utterly irrelevant since those who ‘really’ run the show remain the same."

Changing them is difficult to the point of impossibility...

"I've heard that politicians and civil servants are the most virulent carriers of disease."
