Thursday 30 March 2023

We Can But Pray...

Vicky Tennant, the UK representative at the UN high commissioner for refugees (UNHCR), told MPs and peers on the joint committee on human rights that she had serious concerns about the implications of the illegal migration bill if it becomes law.

No more cocktail parties for you, Vicky? Oh dear. How sad. 

Tennant warned that the legislation could have a “domino effect” on other countries. “It’s potentially moving towards the collapse of this international system, which is not in anyone’s interest,” she said.
“It would set a really unfortunate precedent.”

I wouldn't say it wasn't in anyone's interest. It's clearly not in yours, but have you asked anyone else


Bucko said...

Aren't countries like Poland and Hungary already refusing to take migrants? If anything is going to topple the system, I would have thought it would have been that, rather than our wishy washy, weasel words attempt at not actually doing anything, ever

L fairfax said...

When the asylum system was set up no one thought that successful asylum seekers would blow themselves up killing loads of children.
When the facts change so should our opinions.

Anonymous said...

"Economic migrant" means someone who would rather devote what drive, talent, guile wit, determination...whatever towards getting to somebody else's country to sponge rather than stay to try to improve their own.

The genuinely desperate and those who genuinely need asylum I would posit are fairly obvious and I would be truly amazed if even 1% of "asylum seekers" actually were.

The 99% we have no obligation to whatsoever by any imaginable criteria. Sorry, we just don't.

DJ said...

Nothing to see here, just an unelected bureaucrat campaigning against the policies of actual, elected politicians.

If the Tories had any balls at all they'd lean into the Dominic Rabb allegations and say' you bet we're bullying these toolbags'!

John Galt said...

@Bucko - In fairness to Poland and Hungary they are rejecting Muslim invaders being forced upon then by the EU, not genuine refugees. Both Poland and Hungary have been very generous with their support for Ukrainian, Georgian and Belorussian refugees.

johnd2008 said...

I emigrated to New Zealand 8 years ago and had to jump through all kinds of hoops to prove that I would not be a burden on the New Zealand taxpayer. Having passed stringent financial and medical tests (for which I had to pay) we were granted residential status.I see no reason why all those wanting to get into the UK should not go through the same process.The mainland of Europe is a perfectly safe place for them to wait while their applications are processed.

Anonymous said...

As there appears to be no way of stopping these small boat invaders, why doesn't the British government undercut the Albanians and provide their own people smuggling organisation. After all, they're already half way there with the help of Border Farce. The five grand a person could be used to help offset the millions it's costing the tax payer to house them. The Home Office could even form it's own company to arrange this, using the seized dinghys. They could call the company Servo, or something similar, and advertise it as a sail and accommodation package. Just a thought.

JuliaM said...

"If anything is going to topple the system, I would have thought it would have been that..."

Indeed! But it seems to have been glossed over. In favour of their favourite target - us!

"When the asylum system was set up no one thought that successful asylum seekers would blow themselves up killing loads of children."

It's crazy we haven't looked again at the reasons behind its setup to still see if they hold true...

"If the Tories had any balls at all..."

Sadly, it appears they don't!

"As there appears to be no way of stopping these small boat invaders, why doesn't the British government undercut the Albanians and provide their own people smuggling organisation."

That'd be a guaranteed way to bring it to a screeching halt! 😂