Tuesday 7 March 2023

Watch Those Subject Pronouns Shift!

"I, I, I..."

But it's a tough job, what if you meet resistance?

"Did I say 'I'? I mean 'We'..."

H/T: RealBlackIrish via Twitter


Anonymous said...

Not WC?

DAD said...

And who is her dad ? Yep, Detective Chief Superintendent Stuart Hooper.

John Tee said...

"We will do everything within our power to protect you." Fine words but I can't help feeling that what constitutes "everything" can vary considerably, and when push comes to shove I'd feel more protected by a burly 6'6" PC than a 5'6" WPC.

JuliaM said...

"And who is her dad ? Yep, Detective Chief Superintendent Stuart Hooper."

What a stunning coincidence! 😏

"Fine words but I can't help feeling that what constitutes "everything" can vary considerably, and when push comes to shove I'd feel more protected by a burly 6'6" PC than a 5'6" WPC."

Unless she's armed with more than a stick and a can of pepper spray, yes!