Tuesday 28 March 2023

Warm Up A Seat On The Rwanda Flight, Suella!

A man who murdered a motorcyclist in front of his victim's girlfriend by stabbing him in the chest as he took part in a music video shoot has been granted a reduction in the minimum time he must spend in jail before being considered for release.
Yes, it's this infamous case.
Brandon McNeil, 20, was handed a life sentence with a minimum of 24 years after admitting murdering Shane Jerome, 23, in Brixton, south London, in July 2021. Three appeal judges have now reduced that minimum term to 20 years and 247 days.


Barrister Rajiv Menon KC, who represented McNeil, argued that Judge Munro had not given enough weight to mitigating factors, including McNeil's age and the fact that he had been the victim of human trafficking.

Well, we know how to deal with this, then, don't we? 

H/T: Tim Newman via Twitter

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