Thursday 9 March 2023

This Is Obscene...

A female carer was stabbed to death and two others were seriously injured by a vulnerable patient at a supported-living home yesterday before armed police stormed the facility.Police said two other female carers, aged 29 and 58, were injured in the attack.

Wait, surely they were the vulnerable ones..? 

Why were they there in a group of three and yet were still overpowered by what was no doubt a strapping man with ment...

Armed officers stormed the home and arrested and charged a 32-year-old woman in connection with the death and serious assaults.



Anonymous said...


An armed nutcase intent on causing harm kills one and injures two people of the same sex all of whom are unarmed and are under the impression that they must not allow the nutter to come to harm and you are surprised? Frankly, I am not.

Armed gunman kills one unarmed policeman and injures two more? No surprise.

Sex doesn't come into it. A weapon is a force multiplier when used against people who are unarmed - and so is intent.

Gildas the Monk said...

It is. The system (cough) always protects the bad ones, not the good guys

Bucko said...

When someone describes a person as vulnerable, they should be made to explain exactly what it is that they are vulnerable to

DJ said...

Nutters are the illegal immigrants of the healthcare system. The Wokesters wax lyrical about we have to #bekind to them but they always leave it to Jolene Minimum-Wage to actually deal with them.

John Galt said...

@Bucko - As a general rule, I think we're all pretty vulnerable as far as knives and guns go.

Maybe we ALL need to be classed as "Vulnerable". Then again, that would mean that it is a meaningless classification.

Perhaps that's the final truth of matters.

Bucko said...

@John - I'm pretty sure it's already a meaningless classification. They apply it to anyone who wants to avoid prison and it usually works :-)

JuliaM said...

"Sex doesn't come into it. A weapon is a force multiplier when used against people who are unarmed - and so is intent."

Very true.

"The system (cough) always protects the bad ones, not the good guys"

Welcome back, Gildas! And sadly you're right.

"When someone describes a person as vulnerable, they should be made to explain exactly what it is that they are vulnerable to"


"Nutters are the illegal immigrants of the healthcare system."

Another analogy that's spot on!

"I'm pretty sure it's already a meaningless classification. "

Quite so... *sighs*