Saturday 4 March 2023

"It now transpires that over the winter, he had the right side of his nose pierced, in addition to his left."

Well, of course! When you're used to everyone capitulating when you bring out the RaceCard™, why wouldn't you?

He was cleared by the FIA ahead of the season-opening grand prix on the grounds that the process of taking the studs in and out might cause him ‘disfigurement’.
Really? I think his fashion sense got there first...


James Higham said...


Doonhamer said...

Satire is dead.
Or do I mean irony?
F1 used to be exciting. Now it is a yawn.
At least the last time I watched it.

Greencoat said...

The man whom taste forgot.

Mark said...

Oh I see his majesty is now doing the argos catalogue.

From the left, items C, U, N and T

Nemisis said...

He knew that he had been on the naughty step with his first nose stud so he went out and had a second.
It would be nice if the FIA said to him something like "we let you off the first one, but now you are taking the pi$$ so we are going to go at you for bringing the sport/business into disrepute. We'll go for your team as well."

MTG said...

It's enough to make you cheer for Vercrashen.

JuliaM said...

"F1 used to be exciting. Now it is a yawn."

It can be, yes. But when it's good, it's great!

"The man whom taste forgot."

And yet, being a narcisist, you'd think he'd have a mirror!

"Oh I see his majesty is now doing the argos catalogue."


"It would be nice if the FIA said to him something like "we let you off the first one, but now you are taking the pi$$ so we are going to go at you for bringing the sport/business into disrepute. We'll go for your team as well.""

It's the only thing that would stop this behavious...

"It's enough to make you cheer for Vercrashen."

I ALWAYS cheer for Max!