Saturday 17 September 2011

Adding Insult To Injury…

A doctor and his heavily pregnant wife whose house was invaded by squatters have been told they must look after their unwelcome guests' possessions.
A group of up to 11 squatters abandoned three old televisions, four filthy mattresses and a parka coat in the home owned by NHS and Harley Street consultant neurologist Oliver Cockerell, 49, and wife Kaltun.

A court order states that they would be liable for any damage to the possessions.
So hire a lorry, take them to the court and dump them on the steps of the court. Let them look after them, if they’re so concerned...


Longrider said...

Squatters rights - what an obscene concept. The only rights squatters should have is the right to be thrown physically from the property along with all of their rag-tag possessions. Apparently they apologised, not realising that Mrs Cockerell was pregnant. WTF has that to do with the price of fish? These bastards invaded someone's home, they should have been thrown out and be forced to pay the costs out of their benefits, frankly. They had enough wherewithal to pay for changing the locks and for booze and fags after all.

SBC said...

They weren't squatters just common thieves (they stole someone's home).

Back in my student days I lived in squats at times. You found an empty disused or derelict building , you did NOT break into someone's home.

That was "squatting" in the *real* sense of the word, a word which has become as missed used as the word "traveler".

I used to give homeowners the following advice and still would:" If you come home to find squatters in your house then say nothing, turn around, go down the nearest 'rough' pub and put an inch of cash on the bar. Gather up a group of hefty lads,go back and let them evict the squatters with force...while you ring your lawyer from a neighbours (this was in the age before Cell phones) Yes you'll get in trouble with the law but that night you'll be able to sleep in your own bed".

That is really the only viable solution....and to my certain knowledge Policey men used to give out the exact same advice under their breath to any distraught homeowner...after telling them not to waste their time complaining or filing charges.

Justice Fingers said...

Curious thing, the law...

The 'squatters' were willing to take someone else's property, for which they would have no responsibility or duty of care and can abandon without penalty, and yet the flea and poo-stained trash they left behind is sacrosanct and must be protected. Or else.

Is there the slightest glimmer in the minds of the Great and Good and Righteous how they have so twisted the law into an abomination of justice that whatever faith and trust in it was eroded years ago?

In fact, as much as I detest sharia and all that religious shit, any judicial system that truly punishes the guilty, the criminal and does not reward the mean-spirited begins to look more and more appealing.

Anonymous said...

In fact, as much as I detest sharia and all that religious shit, any judicial system that truly punishes the guilty, the criminal and does not reward the mean-spirited begins to look more and more appealing.

Have you uncovered the master plan?

Jiks said...

Criminals have rights, we have responsibilities.

The work-shy have benefits, we have taxes.

Banksters get bonuses and bailouts, we the losses.

It's all double-plus good!

This is all going to end badly and sooner than you think.

Anonymous said...

"The only rights squatters should have is the right to be thrown physically from the property along with all of their rag-tag possessions."

Aye, and ideally from a first floor window.

David Gillies said...

Three old TVs. Four filthy mattresses. One old parka.

Smash the TVs*. Take a Stanley knife to the mattresses. Piss on the parka. Tell the Old Bill, "that was they way they left 'em. Now fuck off."

* no need to make it obvious. Take the back off and waggle the gun assembly around until a lead breaks. Swipe for dabs. Sorted.

JuliaM said...

"Squatters rights - what an obscene concept."

Indeed. If the Condems do at least fix THIS broken law, I'll be....well, not happy exactly. But less inclined to thinkthe last election a total waste of time.

"That is really the only viable solution....and to my certain knowledge Policey men used to give out the exact same advice under their breath to any distraught homeowner..."

Ahhh, those were the good old days. I doubt there's many like that around now.

"Is there the slightest glimmer in the minds of the Great and Good and Righteous how they have so twisted the law into an abomination of justice that whatever faith and trust in it was eroded years ago?"

Usually when they are affected by it. Surprisingly, it doesn't seem to happen to politicians, senior policemen or judges.

"This is all going to end badly and sooner than you think."

It does feel like the opening lines of Yeats 'Second Coming' lately, doesn't it?

"Tell the Old Bill, "that was they way they left 'em. Now fuck off.""

Sadly, I suspect they'd immediately waste hundreds of manhours and forensic staff time trying to prove you wrong.. :(