Friday 30 September 2011

”Gentlemen! You can’t fight in here, this is the War Room!”

A human rights conference descended into a brawl within minutes of it being opened by a Labour peer, a court heard.
Shocking and unprecedented?

Well, when you look at the players, suddenly the game becomes clear:
Baroness Uddin, the first female Muslim peer, had been invited to chair the conference by the International Bangladeshi Foundation in July last year.

But the event was abandoned as supporters of the ruling party in Bangladesh, the Awami League, and opposition Bangladesh National Party, clashed.
Oooh, vibrant and diverse!
BNP supporter (Ed: yeah, me too!) Sharef Chowdhury, 44, of Bethnal Green, and Awami League subscriber Montor Ali, 37, of East Ham, admitted affray at Inner London crown court.
And the penalty?
Judge Austin Issard-Davies sentenced Chowdhury and Ali to a community order with 100 hours' unpaid work.

The judge told them: "It is central to democracy that debate can take place free of violence.

"It is disgraceful that at a meeting chaired by a member of the House of Lords, a fracas like this should take place."
You’d think so, but sadly, so many of our ancient political institutions have been ‘improved’ lately, it’s no longer even surprising…


Clarissa said...

This judge obviously doesn't realise why the aisle between the benches in the HoC is the width that it is...

microdave said...

I raise you "Parish councillor lifted out of a meeting on a chair"

Red Rum said...

Colour me confused; why was the political affiliation of one brawler included? Why were any of the others named in the article not given a tag as well? Publishing things like 'ardent socialist drone' or 'lickspittle commie stooge?' surely would help.

Come on guys, I am all for equality but please be a little more equal, okay?

(Unless of course there is an automatic assumption by lazy journos that a BNP nut would surely start any fight)

Pavlov's Cat said...

Baroness Uddin and Disgraceful go together like peas and carrots

wv. hogin (honest)

Anonymous said...

BNP in this case is probably the Bangladesh Nationalist Party. Very active in that part of London so I'm told.

banned said...

Made me laugh when I read that in 'Telegraph yesterday.

Captain Haddock said...

Our lives have been immeasurably "enriched" ..

With PAL marrowbone jelly .. ;)

SBC said...

Why do you think there has been at Sergeant at ARMS in the HoC since, oh, 14-something? Until he became a a drippy ineffectual kowtowing-to-the-police 'she' a while back, the sergeant was always an ex-policey or army man.

And let's not forget "The Yeoman Of The Black Rod" who carries a fuck off and die mace and was, in times past, their Maj's 'cleaner'....the clue is the name.

dr cromarty said...

And let's not forget "The Yeoman Of The Black Rod" who carries a fuck off and die mace and was, in times past, their Maj's 'cleaner'....the clue is the name.

I'd settle for some no-necked, shaven-headed, ex-rugby playing bouncers of the type you see outside many nightclubs:
"F*** off. The dress code here is NO JIM-JAMS, Sabu"

JuliaM said...

"This judge obviously doesn't realise why the aisle between the benches in the HoC is the width that it is..."


"I raise you "Parish councillor lifted out of a meeting on a chair""

Yikes! 'Normal for Norfolk'..?

"Publishing things like 'ardent socialist drone' or 'lickspittle commie stooge?' surely would help."

We'll just have to read between the lines...

"Baroness Uddin and Disgraceful go together like peas and carrots "


JuliaM said...

"I'd settle for some no-necked, shaven-headed, ex-rugby playing bouncers of the type you see outside many nightclubs.."
