Friday 30 September 2011


Lewisham Council spent £1,174.70 texting parents during last month's riots, asking if they knew where their children were.
Sometimes, you read something, and then you have to read it again, because you can’t quite believe what you just read…

This is one of those times.
The 21,660 texts were revealed by cabinet member for children and young people Councillor Helen Klier at a meeting on September 22 following a question by Councillor Duwayne Brooks.
Oh. Him.

This gets better and better, doesn’t it?
She told him: "We asked that parents check they were satisfied they knew the whereabouts of their children at that turbulent time."

Cllr Klier said the texts also informed people of the Summer's Alive programme of activities for youngsters during the school holidays.


Roue le Jour said...

And why does Lewisham Council have the mobile telephone numbers of 21,000 parents? Is it a condition of having sprogs these days?

SBC said...

Who get the their Orange Wednesday tickets?-that's what I want to know.

Ross said...

It does sound like a veiled threat- "Do you know where your children are?"- doesn't it?

Innit cool said...

"Summer's Alive" programme?

"Summer's Burning" more like.

(Cynical side note: the cost would have been much higher for the council if some of these kids had two parents)

Anonymous said...

Just a little off topic but can you guess who has just been reinstated to take command of the Yard's newly formed Flying Bunter squad?

Clarissa said...

@Roue le Jour: That was my first thought as well.

Subsequent thoughts are:
a) Have those children/parents attracted the attention of social services and thus contact details are on record?
b) Did they just take the information from the next of kin information held by the schools in the borough?

Either way I'm wondering if the ICO should be notified...

Tattyfalarr said...

Hmmk...coupla things...

1) From where did they obtain these mobile numbers and is this defined in legal terms anywhere at all as legitimate use of them ?

2)Did parents have the option to reply ?

Council: Do you know where your kids are ?

Parents: Yes/No

Council: Rightiho

I'd love to see transcripts of those conversations...

3) If parents KNEW their children were out "rioting" ...what did the council expect them to be able to do about it....bearing in mind forcibly restraining your own children from leaving the house is an offence which will land the parents in court.... ?

4) Who thought this was a good idea and why ? What exactly was it supposed to achieve ?

5) Has the person responsible for wasting taxpayers money on a futile publicity stunt been sacked yet ?

Answers on a postcard...

microdave said...

That's 5.5p per text. Surely a large organisation can get a bulk rate for things like that? My chiropractor sends me appointment reminders by text, and doesn't pay anything for them - they are included in his phone bill...

Caring 'n' Rioting said...

They really paid for all those text messages? Surely the council had free texting as all my students had when I taught.

WV = mughs = us, the ordinary people

blueknight said...

..why does Lewisham Council have the mobile telephone numbers of 21,000 parents?

Probably the contact numbers from the local schools. They probably texted the ones they thought might cause problems.
Wonder how 'Uncle Duwayne' found out..?

JuliaM said...

"And why does Lewisham Council have the mobile telephone numbers of 21,000 parents? "

I wondered that! I doubt it's all parents in the borough - perhaps all those who registered for this programme?

"Who get the their Orange Wednesday tickets?-that's what I want to know."


"It does sound like a veiled threat- "Do you know where your children are?"- doesn't it?"

Indeed! I doubt it's what they originally signed up for.

Hopefully, they'll have realised a valuable lesson; don't give the government information it shouldn't need...

"(Cynical side note: the cost would have been much higher for the council if some of these kids had two parents)"


JuliaM said...

"Just a little off topic but can you guess who has just been reinstated to take command of the Yard's newly formed Flying Bunter squad?"

Oh, indeed... :(

"Either way I'm wondering if the ICO should be notified..."

Good point!

"I'd love to see transcripts of those conversations..."

Oooh, me too!

"That's 5.5p per text. Surely a large organisation can get a bulk rate for things like that? "

A government agency, negotiate a favourable-to-taxpapers contract? Get outta here!

JuliaM said...

"Probably the contact numbers from the local schools. They probably texted the ones they thought might cause problems.

Wonder how 'Uncle Duwayne' found out..?"

Because he seems to represent just that demographic?

Casino en ligne said...

I am completely agree really good one