Monday 12 September 2011

You Say ‘Massive Overreaction’, I Say ‘Attempted Murder’…

…yes, even if he was a cyclist!
A cyclist was hit up to 15 times with a hammer in a road rage attack.
Police believe the driver struck because he was irritated the 60-year-old cyclist was taking too long to ride up a hill.
Yup, this is indeed irritating as all get out, but unless it's a VERY large hill, now long foes it hold you up for, less than a minute or two?

But shouldn't the police have phrased that 'he was irritated the cyclist was taking too long to ride up a hill in his opinion'? Or is there a maximum time one is supposed to take?

Clearly, this is yet another case whjere those PR skills were actually required by the police spokesman:
At least four members of the public watched in horror as the cyclist was beaten and hit up to 15 times, in Tennyson Road, Worthing on Wednesday, in what DI Taylor described as a “massive over-reaction”.
Oh. Really?

So tell me, DI Taylor, how many times can you hit someone over the head with a hammer and not have it regarded as an over-reaction?


Tattyfalarr said...

They say "massive over-reaction"....I say "psychotic episode"...and unlikely to be a one-off.

Frank said...

Good luck with the CPS.

SBC said...

"At least four members of the public watched in horror"

Sounds like they watched in a glow of finally seeing a cyclist get their come uppance.

Ok, joking aside

D'ya notice how the article was careful to note that the victim wasn't WEARING A HELMET! How could he be so irresponsible! You MUST wear a cycle helmet...even if you aren't cycling. Nanny says so!

GalaPie said...

Once is okay, two to four times pushing it, four to six over reaction, anything else massive overreaction?

Weekend Yachtsman said...

Those people who "watched in horror".

Are they feeling pleased with themselves that they just watched?

James Higham said...

Yikes, I'd better be very, very careful.

David Gillies said...

Christ I'm so glad I don't live in that savage fucking country known as the UK anymore. I actually shook my taxi-driver's hand tonight at the end of my journey since we had had such an edifying conversation.

Anonymous said...

Leave it off - the Yorkshire Ripper was allowed 20 or so hammer test experiments - we should count ourselves lucky this guy hasn't been sent for lessons!

JuliaM said...

"I say "psychotic episode"...and unlikely to be a one-off."


"Good luck with the CPS."

Oh, indeed! No way will it get charged as what it was, even if he's caught.

"D'ya notice how the article was careful to note that the victim wasn't WEARING A HELMET!"

Which makes the hammer blows even MORE potentially deadly...

"Those people who "watched in horror".

Are they feeling pleased with themselves that they just watched?"

Who'd tackle a madman with a hammer who lost it over something so trivial?

JuliaM said...

"... I'm so glad I don't live in that savage fucking country known as the UK anymore."

It's pretty depressing, isn't it?

"... the Yorkshire Ripper was allowed 20 or so hammer test experiments - we should count ourselves lucky this guy hasn't been sent for lessons!"


Gallovidian said...

I give up, time to emigrate.