Friday 9 September 2011

We Won’t See His Like Again….

In December, Kinloch was ordered to attack a Japanese force which was dug into deep underground bunkers high up on a rocky, knife-edge ridge.

“Brigade must be mad even to suggest it,” Kinloch told his CO. “Who do they think is crazy enough to tackle it?”
You,” his CO replied.
I think I still have a copy of his book, ‘Shamba Raiders’, somewhere. Must get it out and read it again.


Captain Haddock said...

Indeed Julia .. when the words "fallen soldier" were used in their correct context ..

As opposed to being used to describe a wannabe "Gangsta" by other wannabe "Gangstas" ..

Captain Haddock said...

"We Won’t See His Like Again…"

Oh, I don't know so much Julia ..

Cometh the hour, cometh the man ...

Anonymous said...

I agree, my salty friend, with the concept of commeth the hour . . etc.

Thanks for that link. Most uplifting.

Dead Dog Bounce said...

Am I the only person who reads those obituaries, and wish he could have bought the man a beer, and had a chat?

Anonymous said...

We could do with Biggles, Algy and Ginger loose on our street for sure.

JuliaM said...

"Indeed Julia .. when the words "fallen soldier" were used in their correct context ..

As opposed to being used to describe a wannabe "Gangsta" by other wannabe "Gangstas" .."

Ghastly spectacle, wasn't it? At least we have the example of Cpl Vice to balance it out...

"Am I the only person who reads those obituaries, and wish he could have bought the man a beer, and had a chat?"

Errr.... Probably!

"We could do with Biggles, Algy and Ginger loose on our street for sure."
