Saturday 10 September 2011

If She Was A Man, She’d Go To Jail…

…so why is she ‘spared’?
A mother of two groomed a 14-year-old boy for sex by sending him explicit images online.
But forget that ‘For the children!’ nonsense. She’s not going to jail.
… after pleading guilty to five counts of sexual deviancy – including inciting a minor to perform a sexual act on himself, getting him to watch her perform a sexual act and possessing an indecent image of a child – the 33-year-old could be spared jail to receive psychiatric treatment.
Mitigating, Sasha Bailey said that her client had no criminal record and was "ashamed" of what she had put the boy and his family through.
Judge Christopher Ball said Marquis had "immersed herself" in the internet.
"She simply spent time creating a fantasy world," he said. "There's a real world out there and she needs to be in it."
Don’t blame the Internet, you old fool!


MTG said...

If abetting a police Smear campaign was made a criminal offence, you would leave court in the same ignominious way, JuliaM.

SBC said...

Sweet Jesus, is it a crime now for an older woman to seduce 14 year old boys?!

Hell, most 14 year old boys wank to that particular day dream.

...unless 14 year old boys have changed a hella lot since I was that age.

*wanders off whistling 'Mrs Robinson' to himself and remembering fondly a certain female Secondary Modern teacher...*

Put in your pantry with the cupcakes.

English Viking said...

I wish my music teacher had groomed me.

She was SO hot, it was ridiculous.

Ranter said...

Calm down you lot, the hot ones don't do that sort of thing, only the fat, ugly mooses!

SBC said...

"Calm down you lot, the hot ones don't do that sort of thing, only the fat, ugly mooses!"

True...true but , hand on heart, back when you were 14...were you at all discerning? A cunny was a cunny...and the thought that you might get to SEE one in REAL life...

Pogo said...

and was "ashamed" of what she had put the boy and his family through

Yeah... I'd venture to suggest that the harrowing treatment would have been at the hands of the counselling and "paedophilia industry". Other than that, if he was the same as me at 14, it would have been the basis for a near-fatal wankfest! :-)

SBC said...

"If abetting a police Smear campaign was made a criminal offence, you would leave court in the same ignominious way, JuliaM."

MTG, I've always found that Joolz is more than willing to tear the policey men a new one when she thinks they have done wrong. How often has she made Jaded look a twat?

The fact that *this* time she doesn't think them in the wrong is probably due to her being a, self confessed, brit female and therefore unlikely to have had any weapons training let alone actually fired a gun in anger.

Enough of us here have however and know what that shot police radio really means (there is only one way that could have happened and only two possible interpretations of that...both show the police in a negative light).

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the hot ones do it too. Ahh...Miss Fothergill! You dressed like Suzie Dent and let my hand creep up your leg under the biology tables.
Best teacher ever

Anonymous said...

SBC-never made me look like a t**t. She is allowed to disagree with me as are you.

Regarding this post-the inequalities of sentencing and treatment between men and women-in my station we call it "playing the growler card" i.e; the whiny voice " I want the same pay but I can't do nights or weekends as i've got kids" or "I want the same pay but if the criminals a bit big can a man come and arrest him"

SBC said...

"Ahh...Miss Fothergill! "

LOL, I only found out a couple of years ago that the object of my teenage self abuse had been infact 'abusing' (*SNORK*) my, then 15 year old, best mate after class. She'd take him to the theatre in the city (give the 'bad boy' some culture) and then back to her home for Spag Bol and some intensive conjugation-irregular German verbs I'm sure- before dropping him off at his parents.

SBC said...

"never made me look like a t**t."-Jaded

You think? What an *interesting* view of reality you have.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting thanks.Just because this blog is infested with anti-police posters like yourself and I am in the minority does not make you right.
I am willing to debate the rights and wrongs of my job with people like you.I've never presumed the police are perfect but it does annoy me when for example we are debating speeding motorists and someone chips in with "what about when you shot the Brazilian at Stockwell?".

Captain Haddock said...

I have to agree with Julia on this one .. if the accused was male & the victim female, he'd have been hung out to dry & quite rightly so too ..

What's good for the Gander is good for the Goose ..

I wonder whether the difference in approach might have anything to do with the Judge possibly having had a Nanny when he was little ?

Meanwhile, I'm insanely jealous of you lucky, lucky blokes who had early "experiences" with female teachers ..

At my primary school, the female teachers were either Nuns or elderly (one had even taught my mother, when she was a kid) .. fat as buggery, wore "sensible" shoes .. and were very probably all dykes, into the bargain .. whilst at senior school, the teachers were all male ..

Anonymous said...

@ SBC and Ranter.

On grounds of incredulity and bad taste, I must refrain from posting accounts of the most memorable lessons from my German teacher. Unbelievable as it may be today, we were damned handsome, fit youths (sigh).

SBC said...

"Just because this blog is infested with anti-police posters like yourself"

Me, anti police? Might surprise you to learn that about two years back I applied to become one of those hobby bobbies-I mean a 'special' not a pcso- that you ('proper' policemen) disparage, after being urged to by a couple of mates on the local Farce ("Shinar, none of your foreign convictions show up-you're 'clean' as far as we're concerned")

Never heard anything back though....probably budget cuts or the person checking the applications hadn't taken total leave of their senses...cos I'm the last person suitable IMNSHO.

Way of the world said...

Shock news for our shiny, approved world:

People bonk.

Sometimes they bonk when they shouldn't.

Sometimes they bonk in unusual and adventurous ways.

Twas ever thus and I don't suppose, despite all the social engineering and righteous whimsy and exciting regulations imposed, it is ever going to change much.

SBC said...

"we were damned handsome, fit youths (sigh)"

+ (sigh)

W/V ANKLIT (funny to a german...'on clit'....get it?)

Anonymous said...

I didn't sense any smear here. Other criminality gets involved in these 'reverse Lolita' incidents - the youngster groomed as a burglar etc. South Park has done the morality play. There is enough mindfuck nonsense without this additional dimension.

SBC said...

"I didn't sense any smear here"

I think MTG was referring to Joolz' sudden and rather touching belief in the truthfulness of Policey men and not the post about the sex offenderess.

John Pickworth said...

Captain Haddock said...

".. whilst at senior school, the teachers were all male"

And that was a problem because...?? ;)

John Pickworth said...

Anonymous said...

But it does annoy me when for example we are debating speeding motorists and someone chips in with "what about when you shot the Brazilian at Stockwell?"

Me too, to be fair.

I am critical of the police for so many many reasons. Not only the way they each individually enforce the law but the also because the institution seems increasingly set apart (and above) from the regular population they claim to serve.

I've gone from welcoming the sight of a police office on the streets to avoiding them at all costs.

And to be honest, the story in this post is a perfect example. Do we even need to be prosecuting these cases at all? Seriously? What 'good' has come of this except the sneaking suspicion that some police officers perhaps got-off on pawing over the lurid details?

MTG said...

I withdraw my hasty comment @ 10:14 in its entirety, Julia.

JuliaM said...

"If abetting a police Smear campaign was made a criminal offence.."


"Sweet Jesus, is it a crime now for an older woman to seduce 14 year old boys?!"

That's equality for you... ;)

"Calm down you lot, the hot ones don't do that sort of thing, only the fat, ugly mooses!"

Oh, I don't know - I can remember at least one case. But that was in the US...

"...and know what that shot police radio really means..."

Oh, I can figure that one out too! Someone needs more shooting practice, and a lesson in tactical stops and being in your colleague's line of fire.

Of course, it also gives the lie to the claims of 'execution while he lay on the ground' unless you want to believe in magic ricochets...

JuliaM said...

"Regarding this post-the inequalities of sentencing and treatment between men and women..."

Yup, it's intensely annoying, and never seems to draw any predictable whinges from the feminist nutjob crowd. Make your minds up, ladies!

"...and some intensive conjugation-irregular German verbs I'm sure..."

:D He should sue. For the trauma.

"... I don't suppose, despite all the social engineering and righteous whimsy and exciting regulations imposed, it is ever going to change much."

'Nature finds a way.' My favourite line from 'Jurassic Park'. So very, very true...

"Other criminality gets involved in these 'reverse Lolita' incidents - the youngster groomed as a burglar etc."

Good point!

JuliaM said...

"Do we even need to be prosecuting these cases at all? Seriously?"

For true equality, yes. If we look at 'harm done', maybe not (boys and girls are different, in this respect, in general).

For CPS stats, of course, they're just points on a sheet.

"I withdraw my hasty comment @ 10:14 in its entirety, Julia."

Why, thank you MTG.