Wednesday 26 June 2013

Blimey, Surely Judge Richard Haywood Doesn't Live In Whitehawk?

Yesterday Judge Richard Haywood refused to sentence Tongeman for one count of affray in relation to the wood-throwing incident in September 2012 and one count of possessing an offensive weapon in relation to the sword incident in August 2012.
He said he would not deal with him until he had looked psychologists “in the eyes” and they had explained why Tongeman was not dangerous – branding him “a disaster waiting to happen” and a “ticking time bomb”.
Time bombs being, it seems, the only weapons this chap hasn't yet been found to possess...
Speaking about Tongeman – who has 11 convictions for 47 offences – Judge Haywood said: “He has delusional ideas about his neighbours. Petrol bombs were found in his home. He is a high risk of offending. He made terrible threats.”
He dismissed claims in a psychiatrist’s report from February this year that Tongeman was “not any real risk” – and said he found this synopsis “troubling”.
He continued: “It seems to me he is a ticking time bomb.”
He added if Tongeman was released there was the potential for a “disaster”, and added the public would be at risk.


Joe Public said...

Makes you wonder why it should be "the public", and not the 'psychologists', who shoulder the risk.

Anonymous said...

But surely the psychologists are professionals and are caring and have a degree and everything cos they are brainy.

Sarc off.

Ian Hills said...

He said he would not deal with him until he had looked psychologists “in the eyes”.

...whilst disembowelling them, preferably.

JuliaM said...

"Makes you wonder why it should be "the public", and not the 'psychologists', who shoulder the risk."


"...whilst disembowelling them, preferably."


Anonymous said...
