Tuesday 18 June 2013

This Is Not What Most People Would Regard As ‘Without Incident’…

Iain Cochrane, chief executive of Glasgow Prestwick, said: “We carefully plan and train for this kind of eventuality and I am relieved it ended safely and without incident.”
Oh. Really?
Five passengers from a flight that was forced to make an emergency landing in Scotland after the discovery of a threat to start a fire on board are now claiming asylum in Britain, police have revealed.
That’s an ‘incident’, isn’t it?


Mind the Crap said...

Quite. The really 'interesting' part of this farrago is that they went to the trouble of threatening terrorism to claim asylum in the UK rather than the US, which was where the flight was headed. I'm not sure whether this is about the US's relative toughness on asylum (somehow I doubt it) or the appeal of joining their countrymen and co-religionists (I'll wager they're not Assyrian Christians) in hyper-diverse London. The fact that they managed to get to Cairo and didn't claim asylum ought to mean a trip in the luggage hold of the first plane back. Oh, and the irony of 'Britons' travelling freely to Syria for jihad for years now, whilst Syrians claim asylum here...

Anonymous said...

I suppose it would be too much to check the handwriting on the note with that of the passengers?

ukFred said...

It's a shame the Scottish police will not disclose why they detained Christian street preachers in both Edinburgh and Glasgow recently.

JuliaM said...

"...or the appeal of joining their countrymen and co-religionists (I'll wager they're not Assyrian Christians) in hyper-diverse London."

And they know we're a soft touch for this sort of thing :/