Tuesday, 25 June 2013

You'd Have Been Better Off Calling The RSPCA...

...after all, they are less likely to let animals live in squalor than social services are to let children live in it:
'Unbelievably social services said I was intimidating the children by going around and asking for rent money.
'I don't know how they said that with a straight face - what is intimidating is the Third-World squalor they have been living among.'
He added: 'I can't believe social services went in and thought the place fit to live in.
I can. Very easily.


Fidel Cuntstruck said...

He added: 'I can't believe social services went in and thought the place fit to live in.

Neither can I.... I suspect that, rather than face the barrage of abuse and the threat of big hungry dogs, the visiting Social worker found it more comfortable to sit in the car and tick enough boxes to minimise the likelihood of a further visit.

Anonymous said...

No doubt the local authority are bending over backwards to find the scum bag parasites a lovely big house, large enough for their spawn and dogs, because they are the 'real victims' under our insane social services doctrines. And when they fail to pay rent for that and leave it as another sh*t hole, we can take comfort in the fact that it will be our money paying for repairs and cleanup. It's a shame there are no photographs of the scum family available so other house woners can be aware.

Ranter said...

I'm still amazed that 'ordinary folk' think this lifestyle out of the ordinary. Anyone who has to visit/enter people's homes in the course of their business will note this may be to the extreme end but no doubt there's worse out there. I've been in houses where there are clumps of dehydrated cats faeces 'growing' out of what remains of the carpet, where the pet dog shits in the 'lounge' whilst you are speaking to the occupants, where the bathroom is strewn with piles of wet, dirty laundry that will never see a washing machine or an iron, where used nappies haven't even been thrown out of the flat window, where the stench is a cross between damp dog, shit and smoke and any infants wander round with black globs of snot hanging down in their full, leaky nappies whilst mummy and whatever version of the male species currently resident watch Jeremy Kyle on the enormous wall mounted flat screen TV 'smoking a fag' and sucking from a tin of tennants extra. That is the reality of millions of Good British Homes - state funded, state encouraged, squalor.

JuliaM said...

"..found it more comfortable to sit in the car and tick enough boxes to minimise the likelihood of a further visit."

Me too :/

"It's a shame there are no photographs of the scum family available so other house woners can be aware."


" Anyone who has to visit/enter people's homes in the course of their business will note this may be to the extreme end but no doubt there's worse out there."
